"Cake hounds,"

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Caramel Arrow was freaked out by the hounds sudden appearance, but what freaked her out more was how fast Affogato vanished the moment they were surrounded. The paralysis poison did only last for a few seconds, enough to pin her enemies down before bounding them or knocking them out, but it was how fast he got up and ran off. Now she was by herself, running away from the hounds.

"Ah! Where on earth did he go?" Caramel thought out loud. That was when she saw something. Affogato's staff was left lying on the ground beside a tree. She headed to the tree and felt the bark. Gosh dang it it was cold! Her fingers had barely touched it but her fingers already had a small layer of ice forming on top. If she had left her hand there any longer, she would have to rip it off the bark to get free. How did he..?
That was when she saw small hints of jam on the tree. Caramel winced in pain at the thought of climbing a tree in this kind of weather.
Bracing herself, she took her arrows and stabbed them into the bark of the tree, leveraging herself up a bit, just enough to avoid the cake hounds who ran pass her. They were now directly below her. They were barking viciously at her, almost jumping up into the air just to bite her. Caramel Arrow started to climb the tree. The thought of falling to her death or being gnawed alive by the hounds frightened her, but it wouldn't matter soon.
"How high has this idiot climbed?" Caramel thought when she finally caught sight of Affogato, who was seated on a branch. He had hidden his hands in his clothing as his heavy breaths broke the silence. Caramel Arrow even swore that she saw tears at the corner of his eyes. She realised she had been dazing off, just in time for Affogato to notice her.
"Ah! What are you doing here-!" Affogato couldn't finish when Caramel dashed onto the branch before pulling his hands out and forcing them open. "What are you doing..!" Affogato yelped as Caramel looked at his palms. They were covered with frostbite and looked waxy. There were small wounds and scratches on them too. Small splinters also dotted his hands.

"How did you..? Nevermind..." Caramel was about to say as she held his hand closer to her in hope to warm them up a bit, only for Affogato to pull back.
"What are you doing? You have frost bite-!" Caramel exclaimed, only to see Affogato backing away from her a bit.
Was he scared of something..? Nonetheless they still needed to fight those hounds to get away. They couldn't stay on the treetop forever.

"Well, I'm going down. You can come if you want, but seeing the state your in, I doubt so," Caramel muttered casually as she got down the branch and started to descend. By now, the cake hounds barking had died down and they were currently resting on the ground. Caramel could sneak away and grab Affogato's staff to. As Caramel felt the sole of her shoe touch the ground, she slowly rested it onto he snow before lowering her other foot. She starting walking forward slowly, inching away from the tree a bit at a time.
All was well until she stepped on one of the hound's tail. It whimpered front the pain as she backed away slowly, her back hitting the tree. She winced before realising it:
She was going to die

Not that excited for her own demise however, she took her bow apart and stabbed one of the hounds. It whimpered and backed away, but this only alarmed the other hounds more. That was when one bit her. It sunk its razor sharp teeth into her dough like it was nothing, as her dough started crack from the pressure. She screamed in pain as she fell to her knees. The hounds surrounded her they seemed to contemplate what to do.
I didn't know what it was, but I had an urge to jump down to help. True. Caramel is my enemy and last thing I should do is help her... But, at least i shouldn't let her suffer such a fate right? I made up my mind. This would be the first, and the last time I do this. I would rush in, and help her. But after this, I need to leave. I can't let anyone else see me in such a state.

Hence, I jumped down and casted the spell...
To be continued...

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