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The liquorice sea was an issue. It would sometimes come to life and attack. This time, a much larger scale attack happened, and Caramel was placed on duty.

"Charge!" Dark Cacao ordered as he rushed forward himself,charging at the raging sea with his sword, attacking it head on. Caramel herself loaded her bow with several arrows,firing them at the monster relentlessly, as her numb became numb from how fast she was shooting. She dashed forward, chairing at one of the smaller monster. She effectively stunned it but was bitten by another monster. She couldn't risk the kingdom over a single bite. She got back up and began attacking again. The countless Cacao warriors attacking the seas increases, as more arrows were fired. Weapons of all sorts were thrown at the sea in hope to kill it. From swords, to hot hammers, to even daggers. Cookies in more armour jumped onto the seas, stabbing them with weapons they have.

Caramel took her bows apart and decapitated one of the monsters, screaming in rage.

"GAH! DIE ALREADY YOU DANG ABOMINATION!" (Please do not actually tell this to someone, it's hurtful ;))

Caramel screamed in rage as tears trickled down her face. The pain from the bite had started to show, as the bite mark bleed heavily. That was when her bow was taken. It was thrown into the sea. "No! My bow!" She screamed. She had no time to go retrieve her beloved bow. She snatched a bow from a fallen cookie and starting firing again. Her fingers were blistered form the cold as the harsh wind smacked her across the face. She gasped for air as she ran across the wall, firing relentlessly at the creature. It was starting to die down.

That was when a hand smacked her off the wall as she fell into the sea. "AHH!" She screamed as she crashed into the sea. She felt the icy cold water envelope her. She looked to the side, her bow was there! She swam towards it, grabbing it and locking it into place. She had one arrow. One chance. It had a small bomb attached to it that would go off the moment it hit the enemy.

Using the last few bits of her strength, she started a small fire and lit the bomb. 20 seconds... That's enough for you to aim Caramel... Just make the shot... Then you did it. Caramel told herself as she loaded the arrow into her bow and pulled the string back. She focused on the monster's head, trembling as she felt her finger loosen for a moment.

That's when she let go. With utmost precision, the arrow flew straight to the monster's face, exploding in mere seconds as the small metal beads inside of it were sent flying. The monster was greatly weakened by this. The cookies started to attack. Dark Cacao ran up once more, jumping into the air and smashing his sword into the monster's face, slicing it in half.

"YES! WE WON!" All the cookies screamed in joy as they jumped up into the air. Caramel heaved a sigh of relief before dragging herself to the side, groaning in pain. As she dragged her wounded leg across the ground, jam trickled down the wound. She got to the other side of the wall, as she rested against it, falling to her knees as she held back her urge to scream. Her head felt light and the world around her seem to spin.

"Ah... What's... going... on-" Caramel didn't have time to finish her sentence before she passed out cold onto the floor, the bite wound on her leg had turned a sickly purple as her face became pale.

"Your majesty! Miss Arrow! She's here!" One of the solider screamed as he pointed at her limp body. "Get her to a doctor! Now!"

This was perhaps the last things Caramel heard before everything vanished...

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