Affogato... NO!

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Caramel Arrow didn't know what she was possibly doing.
Caramel flung herself out the window, taking Affogato out with her. They both screamed as they crashed into the sea bellow, water splashing and surrounding them as they sunk deeper into the water. Caramel regained her consciousness and grabbed Affogato and swam up shore, trying her best  to hold her breath a little longer as the both of them finally reached shore. Affogato was still unconscious, so Caramel gave him some mouth to mouth resurrection. The moment Affogato coughed out some water and opened his eyes, Caramel throw him onto stomach and bounded his hands behind his back.
"W-What? Caramel! What are you doing here-!"
"You idiot! You absolute moron! Why on earth would you try to do that again? If you got caught... Who would have known what happened to you? You could have been banished! You could have been tortured! You could have even been executed! *Sob sob sob* You idiot... Do you have any idea... How u-upset I would b-be..." Caramel screamed between gasps of air and tears. Affogato glanced at her and grinned, but where was a bitter sense of irony behind it.
"Why..? Because he never did any good for us! He shut himself out of the world for hundreds of year over loosing a simple war! He never defended us, he never provided us with food... He even banished you without seeing if what I said was true or not!"
Affogato yelled as tears welled in his eyes, slowly flowing down his cheeks. Caramel stayed silent for a while, listening to Affogato's yells.
"He locked himself out for ages! Over a war! Not even because of his son! If he had just came out, none of my followers would be with me! I wouldn't be here either! We would all be doing something else! Something for the better! I suffered for almost 16 years of my life because he just refused to come out of his castle over a loss! All my followers are the same! Outcasted! He never bothered to see at least how his kingdom was doing!"  Affogato was now clearly crying.

Caramel's expression soften at the sigh of weakness. "And all I wanted... *sob* was a home... *sob* to be accepted for once... *sob* Caramel... *sob* is that to much for a cookie to ask for..?" Affogato finished before bursting into tears. As she tried to comfort him, wiping his hot tears away with her hands, her own tears seem to come back. As she felt the hot acidic liquid flow down her cheeks, she winced before muttering into he silence, "Then... We'll cry together... No one will know about this... It's between the two of us..." she wrapped her arms around Affogato, embracing him into a warm hug. They were currently hiding under the bridge which connected the castle's entrance to the mainland. Hence, they sobbed their hearts out. It was late at night, so no one would hear.

Eventually, the tears stopped coming. They glanced at each other... Wondering how fate had brought them together like this. They helped each other up and got ready to go home. They were both drenched and were freezing, they were to busy letting out the pent up emotions to notice the cold. For once, Caramel boldly and freely grabbed onto Affogato's hand. It no longer felt like a duty or a responsibility of her to help him. It just felt right. No one would judge her, no one would hate her, it just felt right. Affogato too took his "enemies" hand. They agreed to just lie about the broken window and say that it just froze before shattering out of nowhere. That was an often occurrence in the kingdom, especially if the window were to big.

Affogato glanced at the shorter, and younger cookie and bit in his lower lip. "So... *achoo* are we still enemies..? *achoo* Or can we be considered *achoo* friends now?" Caramel nodded. "We're friends now... And how on earth do you get sick so easily?" "I should be asking you how you are able to not get sick so easily!" "I just have a better immune system then you! Which is to be expected! All you eat is snow and occasional scraps of food!" "It's not my fault!"

And with that, the two bonded and manage to break their initial tense bond.

~At the Cacao castle~
Another broken window.... Dark Caco expected this. As the windows did break at least once a month. He would have to get a new one in replacement. But something felt... different. Almost as if something good happened.  He didn't know what it was, but all he knew it might have something to do with a particular watcher and coffee cookie...

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now