"Affogato... You dumb idiot!"

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Caramel rushed to the wrecked home with Oreo in her arms. "I can't believe it... Affogato... Why would you leave isn't he first place?" She muttered as frustration laced her voice. As she reached the home, she flung the door open before rushing inside. Affogato was in the "living room", it gave him a shock that somebody suddenly entered.

"AFFOGATO! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU RUN OFF! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU IF YOU WEREN'T CAREFUL!" Caramel hollered this at the male's face as eh he'd his hands up in front of her as a way to try to explain himself.

"W-Why... I had recovered... So I'd assumed you would ask me to leave soon but it would be to troublesome to make you find me so I left first..." Affogato tried to explain shakily as Caramel was glaring at him in the eyes. Caramel eventually stopped and sighed. "Don't do that again. We were damn worried about you," Caramel sighed as she placed an hand in her forehead.

Affogato gawked at her before mustering the courage to ask, "So... um... Could you please leave now? You've done enough and no one else can see me in this state of weakness-" "HELL NO! ARE YOU SERIOUS! YOU JUST RECOVERED, AND STAYING HERE IN THSI WRECK OF A HUT ISN't GOING TO DO YOU ANY GOOD EITHER-"
That was when Caramel noticed that Affogato's palms were once again bruised and his face had a a big red spot on it.

Affogato inched away as he nervously glanced at Caramel Arrow, biting his nails. "Ah... Miss Arrow..?" "How." "Ah..?" "HOW DID YOU GET THOSE INJURIES YOU DUMB IDIOT!"
Seeing no point in lying to the girl, Affogato admitted to jumping out the window to get out. "Tch... You idiot. Let's go," Caramel said as she grabbed Affogato by his arm and dragging him out the home. Affogato was about to ask where she was taking him but shut himself up, realising where he was going again. Caramel Arrow was still silently grumbling about Affogato and how much of dumb dumb he was. Affogato of course felt a little offended but stayed silent about it.

As the two reached Caramel's home again, Oreo tagging behind them, they were greeted by Caramel's father. "Your both back!" He said quite enthusiastically as he hugged them both. Affogato jumped a bit before accepting this act of affection. It felt quite comforting and warm after all. It wouldn't hurt to accept would it?
"Are you affection deprived or something?" Caramel suddenly blurted out. Affogato glanced at her in confusion. Caramel's father and ceased hugging and let them down and got into the house. "Affection deprived? Who would be deprived affection- AHAHAHA! CARAMEL! STOP THAT!" Affogato bursted into laughter and Caramel had quite literally resorted to tickling the crap out of Affogato.

She eventually stopped and Affogato was able to catch a few breaths. Oreo had also entered the house and was licking Affogato's arm. Affogato freaked out a bit but calmed down. "He's still scared..." Caramel thought as she glanced at Affogato who still kept a distance from the hound.

The elder cookie didn't give her the full details on the saying. But she still wondered, what happened to him..?

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now