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Today was in fact a good day. Affogato managed to pluck up the courage to ask Caramel to go see the cherry blossoms with him, it was cherry blossom season after all. Caramel of course agreed. As they walked through the city together, Caramel felt her heart racing.
She could go on and on about how nice it was to be loved by someone truly, so true that he respected her every need. She wanted to hug Affogato, she wanted to hug him tightly and tell him she loved him to, and that if he could stay with her forever and ever.

Affogato himself felt anxious yet excited at the same time. He wanted to stop the sweet whispers and start telling her how much he actually loved her. He wanted her to hear it herself. So he thought that cherry blossom season would be best.

As they walked towards the forest, they chatted a bit. Caramel had brought her boba, two to be exact. So they both could enjoy the boba while enjoying the blossoms. When they reached the forest, they were greeted by the countless flowers. Countless flower petals fluttered to the ground, and occasionally, entire cherry blossoms to. The two had sat them self down and were drinking their boba in peace. Affogato managed to catch one of the falling cherry blossoms. It was a beautiful one.

"Hey... Caramel...I need to tell you something that's been on my mind for ages..." he said as he braided the cherry blossom into her hair.

"I've been meaning to I tell you... But I've fallen in love with you..." he said as he held Caramel close to him. Caramel secretly knew, but acted like she was shocked. "You do..?" She asked, acting as if she had just heard this. "I do. I adore your loving personality. Your diligence and loyalty, how humble you are... Your such an admirable cookie... I'd like to ask... Are you willing to be my girlfriend..?" He asked as he held Caramel closer. Caramel didn't know why, but this made her heart flutter once again. She knew that he loved her... Why was she so excited about this.

"Yes... Affogato, yes! I'll be your girlfriend!" She replied before embracing him into a hug. Her cheeks were flushed as the cherry blossoms seemed to rain down on them. Affogato took this moment and planted a kiss on Caramel's forehead. With here father's approval to this, they officially started dating.

Ah... The sweet taste of true love...


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