Red Dahlia Kill chapter! (Featuring me!)

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Siri Cookie info first:
They are non-binary and go by they/them! They are a magic and have a fountain pen they use as a transportation method! Something like Latte, just writer version. They have modern gadgets too! One of their attacks is that they summon several cake hound pups to tear their enemies to shreds! On to the kill! (I'm also in fact non-binary!)

Siri dragged Red Dahlia's body across the forest, heading to the beach. The jam staining the snow as the small pups ran after Siri.

Red Dahlia screamed as Siri ran after them. "Hey... Come back friend..." Siri muttered as they flew after Red. "No! Your not my friend!" Red screamed, holding onto the remaining bits of his arm. The cake hounds devoured the arm with joy, licking up the blood with happinesses as they barked. Siri's legs were coated with the sticky jam as a bit of jam trickled down their face. A bloodied rock rested on the ground. Red ran forward, tears streaming down his face. That was when he reached a slope. He tried to skid down, but lost his balance and fell, hitting several rocks and twigs along the way. His jam coating the ground. He screamed as he crashed to the ground. Siri caught up. "Well, any last words friend?" They asked as they raised their pen in the air. Before Red (more like dead) could say anything, an army of cake hound pups fell to the ground. "Kill my darlings, kill," Siri ordered the pups as they pounced onto Red, sinking their teeth into his dough.

Red screamed as the hounds slowly tore him apart, slowly devouring his flesh. In the end, all that was left of him was a bloodied, bitten corpse. Siri looked down at the body, a grim sight. They sighed as they picked it up, ready to dispose it in the sea....

~back to present~
Siri reached the sea, before taking the corpse and tossing it inside. "Bye bye... stay safe... friend..." Siri mentioned before washing the jam in the sea and leaving...

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