Conflict time

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Caramel shared with Affogato about her ex. How her ex was calling again, bothering her none stop. "I told him I'm already in a relationship. He isn't listening. He says he doesn't care and is trying to gaslight me..." Caramel sobbed.

Caramel wanted to move on from her ex but her kept bothering her, and at this rate, she can't. Affogato sighed. "We would need to find a way to make him stop then. Actually... Why not I talk to him this time, maybe I might be able to stop him," Affogato comforted with a smug smirk on his face. Caramel glanced up at him. "Sure... just don't go overboard..." She said.

So it was set. They were going to meet up at one of the cafes in the Cacao kingdom. Affogato looked at the cookie. Red Dahlia Cookie.

Small note:

 "Long time no see Caramel!" Red Dahlia greeted

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"Long time no see Caramel!" Red Dahlia greeted. Caramel simply smiled lightly, a bitter sense of hurt hiding behind it. "Ah, so your Caramel's new boyfriend? Nice to meet you! I'm Red Dahlia Cookie! And you are?" "Affogato Cookie, but call mr Affogato."

With that, the talk began. Red was quite polite at first, but part of Affogato could tell it was an act. He often looked to the left and he often pressed his fingers against his lips. Besides that, he was very vague in what he was saying and fiddled with everything he got his fingers on.

Eventually, Caramel left the table, to let the two talk in peace.

Finally, Red dropped his act. "So your her new boyfriend... Quite pathetic. I can see that her standards have dropped! How stupid of her... It was only a couple other cookies... I wouldn't be such a dramatic cookie..." Red laughed as he drank his tea. Affogato was recording this, he held back his urge to slap the cookie, cause hearing him say such made his blood boil. "Ah... Red... Don't you think it's a little cruel and rude of you to say such..?" Affogato tried to say politely, his voice cracking a bit. "Of course not! Women are always so sensitive to everything!" Red laughed, scoffing.

Perhaps Affogato finally had enough.
"Why, if so, why did you date Caramel in the first place?" He questioned, pointing his spoon at him. "Ah haha! Cause she was cute of course! Other than that, I wasn't that interested in her!" He alighted once more, slamming his cup of tea down.

That was the last straw.
"I didn't know you were such a lowly creature to the point you only see woman as objects. How disgusting. Haha!" Affogato scoffed. "I-I beg your pardon?" Red asked.
"In fact, yes! If I was a woman and you asked me out, other than for your looks, I would have rejected you! Cause the only thing you have to defend yourself is your looks! You see yourself as I higher being than others to the point you can't see how much of a moron you are! Like seriously, it says it in your name! Red Dahlias quite literally symbolise betrayal and dishonesty! You truly are pathetic! The only reason Caramel accepted you is cause she's an angel! You have no other purpose than simple eye candy!" Affogato scoffed at the cookie harshly. He was still recording. "Also, no offence," Affogato placed on a smug smirk on his face as he looked at the cookie, struggling to answer back. Eventually, Caramel came back and they acted like nothing ever happened.

His phone calls stopped coming completely. "Phew. Thank goodness he stopped. Also... What did you say to him? He look awfully hurt when I came back," Caramel asked. "Ah... Nothing. I just have him a piece of my mind," Affogato responded as he kissed Caramel on her cheek.

Affogato smiled, knowing quite well that that cookie would never bother Caramel again...

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