Caramel Arrow backstory part3

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When was the concept of live properly shown to her?

Not by her parents... But by others. She was in a relationship once, but it fell apart the moment she became a watcher.

"Sorry... I don't date woman who are that busy,"
He had said. She just assumed it was cause he was scared she would neglect him, but it turns out she was wrong. She had actually always been busy with training, and he stayed with her. It was only when she saw him going out with another cookie.

"I promise. We'll get back together after your time as a watcher ends, promise," "Even if I can only stop after several years or until I'm dead or severely wounded..?" "Yes, promise,"

Lies. All lies.

She told herself she would never love again. She realised that he only loved her body. He loved hugging her and touching her. She assumed it was a normal thing between couples, through the countless shows she saw on television.

She never assumed anyone would love her because of her mind again. She decided to stop loving. It was less painful for her heart. She took several weeks to recover form the heartbreak.

He had gotten on his knees to apologise, but she glared at him, scoffing before leaving. Even now, he still tries to contact her.

She never actually thought that she would find love again. Much of less coming from an enemy...

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