The marriage~

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Ps: The wedding will be like in those shows, cause I have no idea what a traditional Korean wedding is like. ;)

Caramel brushed her hair aside in her white dress as her hair was pinned up in a bun. Boba stood next to her, as they were wishing her good luck.

"The wedding go great Miss Arrow! And you look gorgeous!" Boba complimented excitedly. Caramel nodded, feeling both excited and nervous at the same time. She didn't want to keep the groom waiting after all. So it was about time she stepped out. The cookies (all from gingerbrave's kingdom) applauded this happy occasion. Caramel continued to walk down the aisle which was littered with flower petals, clutching the white roses in her hands tightly. Affogato was standing there, in a white suit. With bai usual hairstyle but lacking his head piece, his regular smug smirk replaced with a joyful one. Siri Cookie was standing next to him, holding the two rings in the velvet cushion which he two had to reluctantly take off a day before the occasion.

Caramel looked at Affogato in the eyes the moment she got on stage. Siri had an excited look on their face, as their cheeks were pink.
With that, Siri started their speech.

"Today, fellow cookies, we are here to celebrate the marriage of two cookies. As we would all know, they used to be rivals, enemies even. But fate has worked it's mysterious ways and has brought these two cookies together. Please applaud for this couple!" Siri started as the crowd roared with claps and cheers.
Siri took a deep breath before starting again.
"May you, Affogato Cookie, take Miss Caramel Arrow's hand in marriage, and stay with her till death does you both part?"
"Yes, I do,"
"May you, Caramel Arrow, take Mr Affogato's hand in marriage and stay with him till death also does you part?"
"Yes, I do,"
"Wonderful. Mr Affogato, Miss Caramel Arrow, you Amy now take the time to slide the rings onto each other's fingers,"
Affoagto took the diamond ring and slid it onto Caramel's finger gingerly, while Caramel took the gold ring and slid it onto Affogato's.
"Wonderful. Mr Affogato, you may now kiss the bride!" Siri cheered as the set the cushion down.

Affogato and Caramel looked at each other in the eyes once more, before kissing one another. The cookies roared with claps and cheers, celebrating the two's marriage. Siri sat down next to Dark Choco Cookie. "You did a good job," he said as he rubbed their head. "Thanks bro!" They replied. (Sibling relationship between Siri Cookie and Dark Choco! Not a ship! Cause Siri is underage!)

With that, the marriage came to a pleasant end. As the two lovers left the building after the party, they shared one more kiss negreiro officially heading home...


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