Another Red Dhalia hate chapter cause you all love it

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Siri Cookie knew what they had to do. Caramel was close friends with basically every female cookie in Gingerbrave's kingdom. So it was easy to get them to join. It was the male cookies which were an issue. Affogato had no problem, but the rest...

Purple Yam was easy enough, as Siri had particularly said, "He did in fact say that woman are useless... And it would be a good stress relief..." "HUH? YOU ALREADY GOT ME AT THE FIRST POINT! NOW I JUST WANT TO KILL HIM MORE!"

(Mini headcanon: all the cookies see each other as equals and despite the fact some of them treat each other harshly or rudely, they draw the line when it comes to saying women or men are useless)
Basically, Siri just had to say what Red Dhalia said to trigger every single male cookie.

"I'm sorry. I have muscles and all, but I refuse to use it to abuse others," Muscle Cookie had firmly told Siri as he set down pancake cookie who had been asking for a lift repeatedly. "He said that woman are useless," Siri blandly said. "What? Woman? Useless! He should see Avocado in the blacksmiths! She makes some of the best weapons! Even better than some of the males! Heck, she might even be stronger than me! And that foul cookie has the audacity to say that?" Muscle Cookie demanded before stopping half way to lift a whining Pancake into the air again. "So... Kill him?" "KILL HIM!"

Yeah, Muscle would be a great parent.

So with that,  they found Red, and Purple Yam punched him in the face with his mace. And the others joined in out of spite. Purple Yam and Muscle later spent time with the kids as they had originally agreed to play with them but the kill Red thing got in the way.

Siri had fun as they also bet the living daylights out of Red. So overall, it was a great day!

After the violence:
Muscle: May I have a cup of tea?
Onion: Okay... Here... *sniffle*
Muscle: *drinks imaginary tea from cup* Wow! It is very good Onion!
Purple Yam: *is trying very hard not to ruin the fun but is on the verge of breaking the cup*
Snow Sugar: What's wrong?
Purple Yam: Nothing...*very difficult smile*
Siri: Hey! I baked some cake! Want some?
(I'm included cause I'm a minor and loved kids*
In the end, it was a good day.

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