Affogatto (accidentally) starts a c&lt (part 3 of Affogatto backstory)

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Affogato had managed to get into the Cacao villages and was taken in by a couple cookies. This was either out of pity of the poor soul or he had to beg for help and assistance. However, the moment he would recover, he was asked to leave. Of course, for the families that were filthy rich, he would swipe a couple coins they left out in the open. They didn't notice being so blind. He slowly saved up the money, as none of the families were willing to spend money on a random child they rescued on the streets, much of less buy good clothing for him.

He eventually got lucky, and found an abandoned mansion. It wasn't entirely built to actually live in without it being dangerous, but it was large enough for him to live comfortably in. It was tiring moving from places to places, so it was nice to have a fixed home.
He took his sweet, sugary time to explore the mansion, exploring and investigating every nook and cranny. The Cookie who probably wanted it built was filthy rich. As whoever they were, they left behind a whole collection of books in one of the rooms. Glorious shelves of books covered each all of the room as the smell of paper was wonderful. As he looked at each of the words written on the sides, he managed to figure out that they were about magic and witchcraft. And from there, he starting learning. He would occasionally sneak off to bookshops in the Cacao kingdom and read books there. This let him learn more as began to experience more about the world around him through the books. He managed to perform simple spells and his power began to increase slowly. It wasn't until one day that he stumbled upon a group of people worshipping a so called, "Coffee and Ice cream god,"
Not wanting to be involved, he tries to sneak away but the snow around him revealed his presence. Of course, the followers pleaded with him for several minutes, begging him not to reveal their secret, scared of what would happen should this be discovered. It was until they discovered that he was made of both ice cream and coffee. That was when the madness began.

They started viewing him as a god, and were willing to give up anything, anything for his "blessings" and "wisdom". Of course, being only 16 at the time, he simply took it to his advantage. He would occasionally ask them to bring him food and money, not in large amounts, but simply an even share among all of them, so as not to extort them to much. That way, he managed to get himself newer clothes. With his actions and what he said occasionally, the followers seemed to obsess more over their "God" and Affogato himself started to believe that coffee and ice cream was the answer. The only reason he got this far was because of this. However, it was the fact that most of his followers had mixes of not only coffee or ice cream, but sometimes other things like latte and mint or some random ingredients that shouldn't be mixed with them. They were all outcasted. Part of Affogato pitied them. He wanted to created a place where they could all live in peace without worrying about all those other cookies trying to single them out or abuse them.
That was when he got that idea.

He would go to Cacao kingdom again when he was older, probably 20 or 22, use his charming appearance and sugar-coated words to coax people into believing he was trustworthy and not the boy they had hurt. He would then go assist Dark Cacao, learn his most vulnerable points, secrets, and finally, end his life or make him drop position as king. Then, he would take the crown, declare the king dead, by assassination or whatever means, and rule over the kingdom. No body would believe that a charming, innocent young man who the king trusted so very much would backstab him, and that was the perfect thing to. He could get away with anything, absolutely anything as long as he tried. He just had to make himself appear smart, wise, trustworthy; and most importantly, attractive. Cause no cookie would trust an ugly one, would they?

He declared to his followers a plan that they all agreed on, impressed by his thinking. Even should the plan fail, they refused to leave his side even if such does happen to his "perfect" plan. It was settled. His followers, many of them older than him, slowly learnt more about him. They marvelled over the fact such a young cookie could come up with such an idea.

He had finally done it... He succeeded once... Once... Oh the look on the faces of all those who hurt him, the shock, the fear, the absolute unimaginable looks on their faces when the one who they very abused, hurt, mistreated is now their ruler. They would never be able to live another day without the fear of the king bashing into their homes, banishing them from the kingdom for all eternity!

It was just a matter of whether Affogato could survive the extra few years to achieve this seemingly impossible wish...

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