Affogato backstory part 2 (More angst)

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Why was he so scared of cake hounds? What made him think of them that way? Perhaps it was cause he was defenseless to them in the snow. With no form of protection or way to tend himself other than tiny rocks, twigs and snowballs, he mostly had to resort to climbing up trees to escape these hounds. There was one time where he wasn't fast enough, and it but down on his arm. He screamed in pain as the hounds started to drag back to who knows where, dragging him deeper into the forest. Bai arm felt as if it would crumble off as jam trickled down his shoulder. With enough struggling, he managed to break free and ran off, quickly climbing a tree to safety. The hound couldn't get him now, and he could rest. As he perched on the thickest and more stable looking branch, he shivered from the cold. After being in such harsh conditions for so long, from being dragged to almost torn apart, his clothes were started to fall apart slowly front when wear and tear. Even his small boots were starting to form holes in their soles. The child glanced at his hands. They were bleeding and blistered from climbing the tree. At this point of time, his only goal to survive. He couldn't die yet. He had so much to live for...

He took a bit of the snow on the branch and placed it in his mouth. It was still painfully hard to eat it, but what else did he have. He couldn't start a fire, it would go out in seconds and he didn't have the strength to even do so. He wrapped himself with his coat which wad slowly breaking apart in hooes of warming up a bit. It was so painfully cold that it even hurt to breath. He supposed that he would just have to get through it for the sake of survival...

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