Caramel Arrow backstory pt 1

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Perhaps her fate had been planned out all along, since the moment she was born into that family of archers. She may have been born a girl, but her family clearly had different plans. They started to train her the moment she came of the age of 5.

"You can never be to young to train!" Her father had laughed heartily at her as she shot the arrow at the target. "I want you to be the reason to carry down our tradition of watchers that defend people in teh name of the king and for the greater good!" Her father had continued quite merrily.

Perhaps this was one of the reasons she thought it was her duty to save people all the time. Maybe this stress and responsibility was passed down from generation to generation.

Her family was quite famous for being skilled archers. Not rich, but famous. Which was the very reason Dark Cacao had chosen her to be the next watcher. She was only 10 when she heard this, but this was enough to make a girl scream in joy. But it was the responsibility and pressure that came with it that daunted her. She was suddenly expected to be so mature. She was only 13 when the role was fully passed on to her. With only the guidance of her mentor, she had to learn slowly. She was told any small mistakes coukd doom th kingdom. That may have been an exaggeration to make her focus better, but it seemedbto add to her responsibilities and stress. It felt as if the weight of the whole kingdom was forced onto her shoulders. With virtually no one tell these problems too, she could only bear with it and wait for the misery to vanish...

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