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Affogato got a job. He got a job. Why? He felt bad for relying on Caramel so much. So he got a job at a bookstore. No one knew about his wrong doings, nor did the king banish him (the king had soften up to him a lot), so it was fine. Affogato could still feel the idea of love lingering in his head.
It was the fact he still had no idea how to confess his love. Boba also recently got a job there. "Well, if it mean so can see you, then sure!" They had said happily as they placed on the apron.

Affogato opened the box and placed the books on the shelf, before asking Boba, "Boba, if I love someone, how do I confess to them? Or how do I bond with them better?" Affogato asked for some advice from Boba. Boba placed a finger on their lip as they titled their head upwards. "Perhaps you can try doing some things she enjoys doing! Miss Arrow enjoys boba, so why not you try boba!" Boba suggested. Affogato nodded his head a bit. After his shift, eh video surely go back home to ask to try some boba.

So off Affogato went to go try boba after his shift. When he got home, Caramel was currently drinking a nice glass of the beverage. "Hey Caramel... I've always wondered... What did boba taste like?" Affogato asked. Caramel nearly spit out her beverage. "You have no idea what boba tastes like? Gosh! You have to try it now!" Caramel urged him as she got another cup of boba (out of nowhere) and pulled out a straw. "Here! Try it!" She urged once again as she poked the lid with the straw. Affogato nodded and took a sip. He could feel the small pearls in his mouth. They seemed to float around in there and were coated with brown sugar. Incredibly sweet compared to his normal coffee and ice cream. But it was tasty nonetheless.

"It's quite good, I wouldn't trade it for my normal drink... But I wouldn't mind having this once in a while!" He hummed as he set the cup down. Caramel's nodded. "Say, would you like to try coffee and ice cream yourself?" He asked politely. Caramel nodded a bit. She too was actually curious to why Affogato enjoyed it so much other than the fact that he was partially made with coffee and ice cream. So off to the kitchen he went. As he prepared the ice cream with the ice cream maker Caramel had, Caramel stood behind him, watching with anticipation. She offered to help with the process of making the ice cream while he made the coffee.

When Affogato was done with the coffee, he scooped out some ice cream and plopped it into the ice coffee.
"And there! A nice cup of affogato!" Affogato proudly said as he placed a spoon inside the beverage. Caramel's eyes sparkled with anticipation. as she glanced up at Affogato. "Yes, you may in fact dig in," he said with a small smile. Caramel nodded as she grabbed a spoonful and placed it in her mouth. "Mhm! It's quite good! My boba is pretty great too!@ she said. Affogato looked at her excited reaction as his heart fluttered. She looked so happy and content. She looked so cute. So polite... so kind... What a beautiful cookie...
"Well, I can make you it again next time if you like," Affogato said. Caramel nodded.

Perhaps... I really fell in love with her...

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now