"Your alright,"

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Affogato didn't understand what was going on. He felt... warm..? There was something soft and fluffy above him. He rubbed the sole of his foot against the surface he was on. It was soft... Like if he was on a bed. His hands felt as if they were bandaged. His head too was rested in something soft and pillowy. There was something rested on his head... It felt warm but also damp at the same time. Finally bracing himself, he opened his eyes and sat up.

He was in a nicely furnished room, nothing like where he first lived. There was flower pot a table near him which was filled to the brim with flowers of all different colours.

"Affogato! Your awake!" That was when someone entered the room. It was Caramel Arrow. Affogato backed away instantly out of fear. "Woah... Calm down..." Caramel tried to comfort only for Affogato to break into cold sweat. "Where am I?*Achoo* who did you find *achoo* me in the first place..? *achoo*" The warm towel on his head dropped down onto his lap from how sudden he had jerked up. Caramel sighed as she scooped up the wet cloth and placed it back on Affogato's forehead. "You have a cold... We should get you some real food. You've been living in snow for so long it's about time you get real food,"
Caramel calmly took Affogato by the hand only for him to pull back. "Mhm?" Caramel hummed, clearly confused by the gesture. "I prefer... To walk alone..." Affogato explained before sneezing. Caramel sighed before nodding. She led the taller cookie down stairs, bringing him to the dining area. There was a couple bowls of soup. Caramel's father was at the dining table too. Her mother was away on business. Caramel took a seat next to Affogato as Affogato glanced at her father. The stern man had quite a terrifying look. "Well, let's dig in!" Caramel said as they started to eat. Affogato simply sat there. "Mhm? Something wrong? Or is the food not suited for you?" Caramel asked. Affogato poked the soup with his spoon, before asking, "I can actually eat this..? It's not poisoned is it?" Affogato asked. Caramel was about to question his behaviour once again when she remembered that he had a habit of seeing if the food was actually edible and not poisoned before eating, she wondered why though.

Affogato still seemed a little hesitant though. Thinking of it, she never really saw him eat anything in front of others unless he was told to. Why was that so too? And why is he so reluctant?

"Are you sure I can have this..?" Affogato asked again. I honestly can't believe this is the person he truly is behind how smug he is... Caramel though. "Yes Affogato. Now eat," Caramel urged as she pushed forward. Affogato jumped a bit but leaned back. "Are you sure though..? *achoo*" "I'm very certain mister smug face. Now EAT," Caramel almost seemed to order. Perhaps this did the trick. Affogato stopped his act and started to eat slowly. That was when the house pet, Oreo came in. He was a cake hound with ores filling. "Oreo! How are you darling!" Caramel started as she hugged into the hound tightly. "Affogato! Why not you let him-! ..."

Affogato had completely shifted from the table and was now hiding behind Caramel's father, who was slightly patting his shoulder. Caramel grinned a bit in seeing how much of a baby he was acting like at the sight of the hound, but stopped upon remembering about the saying the elder Cookie told her the previous day. Caramel placed Oreo down and got him to sit far away from them, which Affogato finally returned to his seat and finished his food. "Thanks... It was quite good," Affogato said before breaking into a couple of sneezes. "Okay, thanks. Now back into bed you go," Caramel got him to follow her back up stairs before leaving.

Caramel went back down and looked at her father. "You know. I honestly thought he was going to be much more smug than that. Especially for someone who and the intention of killing the king. He's more..." "Tame?" "Yes... I wonder what happened to him..."

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now