"Have you ever wanted..."

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"Hey, Affogato. I have something to ask... " Caramel said as she pet Oreo. "Mhm? What is it?" Affogato replied calmly, inching a little closer to Oreo as well to let him (he finally warmed up!). "Have you ever wanted to meet your parents..?" Caramel finally couldn't take it anymore and blurted her question out.

The cookies could have kids in many ways. The most often used method is when they would take some of their jam and mix it with a special kind of flour. There were special magic cookies that were trained to make the flour and dough that cookies were made off. They had the choice of getting married and placing their love life's own jam inside, but other than that, there was nothing. They just had to add the flavours they wished their child wanted to be, if there was anything else they did want and write a little note if they wanted their child to be special in a way. They could write that they hoped the cookie would be smart or talented or grow up to be famous or noble. This couldn't be determined, but it made part of their personality. The dough would then be cut into its shape then baked at a high temperature. This meant that two cookie of the same gender could still have a kid. Or they could even be single and could still have a child of their own. They had an option to have one kid or many kid, it was up to them to! The parents could design their own kid to be the way they wanted or let nature do it works. Most of the time, nature did it's works but some parents wanted their child to have particular aspects predetermined before birth.

Because of this, Affogato had no idea why he was half coffee.

"No. I do not wish to see my mother, and I don't even know who my father is," Affogato replied blandly. Caramel nodded. "Why, if you ever change your mind, just know I'm willing to hunt them down for you," Caramel mentioned. Affogato smiled and nodded.

~At random coffee cookie's house~
The fire burned as he sat at the corner or the room. He still remembered how that charming ice cream cookie stole his heart. Vanilla and coffee... A combination that had never been heard in that kingdom before. Yet he knew it was still ver so sweet and delicious. He had been selfish. He knew that she wanted a child one day. He wanted part of him to be with her till she breathed her very last breath. So when she was designing the dough for her future son or daughter it child, he requested to put some of his own jam inside the mix.

"But sir... Does the lady know a thing about your arrangement?" The young wizard asked. "No, but I figure that this would be a nice surprise for her. She does in fact like my hair very much. Now she can see it even when I'm not around," he answered calmly as his jam was tossed into the mixture. "I'll be leaving now. Stay safe young lad!" He waved as he left.

Perhaps he made a dumb mistake. Cause he never saw the child. He never saw his own creation. He even gave the child a name. "Affogato Cookie would be his name of course!" He had boasted to the doctor when it came to naming the child. Now he couldn't even see Affogato. He was in the midst of building a mansion at the time to show the ice cream cookie and his son, but when he heard the child wasn't anywhere in the villages, he called off the construction. Nowadays, he goes back occasionally to see how it had been doing. But something odd happened. 12 years ago, when he went to check the mansion, it had a lock! Someone must be living in it! He wanted to go see who lived there, but he decided not to invade the cookie's privacy. It would be rude to do so anyways to right? Now he goes back to the mansion every now and then. The moment the child was gone, he had lost motivation in everything. Bai magic, his spells, even his own well being! So he left all his books in the room he was supposed to make his study. He didn't regret a thing. He was already a master in spells. Part of him wondered he will ever meet that mysterious inhabitant of the mansion again...

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