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Affogato's snake had caused a problem again. No, nothing like eating Oreo, or destroying the furniture. Nothing like that. It's just that, Gummy had gotten bigger in size. "I can't believe someone like you would call a snake Gummy," Caramel said as she pet Gummy, who had curled herself around Caramel's arm, hissing silently with content.

Affogato had warmed up to Oreo enough to pet him and bring him out on walks. Caramel was a little shocked when she first saw Gummy, cause Affogato had kept her secret from Caramel, but found Gummy adorable, especially since the front part of her mouth curled like that of a pup's mouth shape. "What happens if Gummy gets to big?" Caramel asked Affogato. Affogato placed a finger on his lip. "Mhm... The last I had a pet snake and after they grew to almost the same size as me... I had to let them out into the forest. They could survive, and I can still see them. I just feed them occasionally," Affogato replied casually. Caramel nodded, part of her was scared he was going to kill the snake.

"Though... What are some things Gummy does?" Caramel asked. "Well... Gummy helps me collect letter sometimes, cause she's quite intelligent. And she also finds ways to tell me about the latest information she gets form any enemies I have. Mainly cause in the past, I would occasionally use blackmail as a way to get money to live. But that was only in desperate times," Affogato replied as Gummy slithered over, wrapping herself around Affogato's arm.

Caramel glanced at Gummy. How is a simple snake so intelligent? Gummy certainly is like Affogato in a sense. Cause their both quite smart, and can sometimes be a little sly even.

Well, she supposed that pets sometimes do represent and are like their owners. "Come here Gummy!" Caramel called out. Gummy slithered over the Caramel, abandoning Affogato (Ha, LOL). "Hey! You just stole my pet! So I'm going to steal Oreo!" Affogato yelped as he grabbed Oreo, who ran over to him happily. Caramel laughed at the child like actions, as she hugged Gummy closer to her. "Then Gummy belongs to me now! Hahahaha!" She laughed.

The two decided to take this day to act like kids again, a childhood they both never had. They ran around the house, playing tag like little kids again.

This freedom was so sweet. How we all wish it could last forever...

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