Bitterswet Arguments

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Relationships will always have arguments eventually. It was just a matter of fact on how fast they could recover from these arguments.

As for Caramel and Affogato, they were currently arguing over something he did. He had just lifted her up in the air to give her a little scare, how bad was that? But Affogato could tell he went a little far with his prank, as they're were now arguing over it. It a couple weeks into their relationship, so he though it would be a little funny to do so.

"That scared me a lot!" Caramel grumbled a bit. "I know I know... I'm sorry..." Affogato apologised as he patted her back. "Do you want some time alone to recover from this? I could always give you some time," Affogato added. "Yes. Please take anything in this room that's yours and leave my room. Come back tomorrow," she somewhat ordered. Affogato sighed but nodded, picking up one of his books and left. "If you want anything, I can get you it!" He said before leaving her bedroom. Ah... I screwed up big time... I'll get her boba tomorrow to make it up, she doesn't like surprises...

It was bitter that they argued over that, but sweet in a sense that they learned a bit more about each other. Affogato enjoyed pranks while Caramel didn't like surprises all to much. Even so, Affogato still decided to give her some time alone. He shouldn't invade her privacy anyways.

~timeskip to next day~
"Good morning Cara, are you feeling better about yesterday?" Affogato knocked on her door and asked. "Mhm... You can come in... *yawn*" Affogato opened the door to see Caramel doing her hair into its usual bun and ponytail. "Do you forgive me for yesterday now?" He asked. "Mhm... Yeah... Sorry, I should have told you earlier I didn't like surprises like that," she mentioned as she looked him in the eyes. He nodded and smiled. "Why not we go get breakfast. I can make boba pancakes!" He suggested. The word boba seem to wake Caramel up as she nodded her head rapidly before going downstairs with Affogato.

What a nice relationship...

~Note from Writer~
Hello! I'd like to say why I didn't make Affogato lift Caramel up to leave the room after what she said! A healthy relationship is when you can respect each other and can still be without each other, not necessarily sticking with one another all the time. This includes respecting their privacy and understanding that they sometimes need time alone to. So it would be a wrong representation of a healthy relationship if I wrote that there. I hope you can understand, thank you!

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