"Who are you..?"

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The coffee cookie was making his way to the mansion again. It had been empty the past few days, rendering it quite lonely. Little did he expect for a little surprise that day.

As the coffee cookie stepped to the porch of the mansion, he noticed that the door had been left open. Unlike most of the time where is was closed shut. So inside he went. He could hear little tinkering consign from upstairs. Almost as if some cookie was taking something. So he went upstairs. There was a hole in one of the floor boards so he was careful not to get his leg stuck in it. As he ventured down the halls of the familiar home, he reached the study. A cookie with dark brown hair with a gradient of white was rummaging through the sleeves. He looked quite young actually.

That was when the cookie noticed him. "Ah... Hello..?" He awkwardly greeted as he took down Ken of the books about magic, flipping through the pages as if trying to find something. "Ah... Hello...Lovely place isn't it..?" The coffee cookie asked the younger one. "Yes... It is in fact quite lovely... But it doesn't do so well protecting one against the cold..." the young cookie took down another book, hastily flipping through each page.

"Mhm... May I know your name..?" The coffee cookie asked.

"Affogato Cookie,"

The name shocked the coffee cookie. It was the exact name his child was supposed to have. The coffee cookie bit his lip with anticipation, curious to know whether more about this cookie. "I'm Cold Brew Cookie. Nice to meet you, Affogato cookie," Affogato nodded slightly as he placed another book in a bag he had. As Affogato walked off, Cold Brew Cookie followed behind.

"So... Affogato, how long have you been reading about magic?"
"Since I was 16. I couldn't really get any books before that..."
"I see... Are you good at magic?"
"I would say yes,"
"Interesting... Say, how old are you?"
"I'm turning 28 this year,"
"Ah. I see. You young enough to be my son,"
"Sir. Why are you asking such?"

Affogato asked as he turned to face the cookie. Cold Brew Cookie glanced at Affogato, adverting eye contact.

"Why... It's because I was supposed to have a son with a cookie called, "Vanilla Ice Cream Cookie"... He shares the same name as you... And you look exactly like how I pictured him... And he wasn't there when I went to go check Vanilla Ice Cream..."
Cold Brew tried to explain shakily. Affogato simply nodded. "Why... My mother was indeed called Vanilla Ice Cream... So there might be a chance I could be your son. Why not this. You declare your my father, and I see you as one to. I have no time to argue about this, and you brought up enough evidence to why I could possibly be related to you," Affogato added shortly before shaking hands with Cold Brew. Cold Brew smiled lightly.

Part of Affogato thought it was to good to be true though. Being abandoned at birth by his mother but having a father that wanted him. But eventually, he and Cold Brew parted ways as he went home to see Caramel Arrow. He couldn't get her off his mind lately. It's almost as if she had printed herself in his head. What kind of witchcraft is this..? He wondered as he opened the door.

"I home. I got my books for the room too," He said as Caramel rushed out. "Heya Affogato. Hey look, you look a little happier," Caramel mentioned as she pointed as his expression. Affogato raised an eyebrow. "You see, whenever you happy, your cheeks become a little darker! What happened?" Caramel asked.

Affogato stayed silent for a moment.

"Caramel... I think I met my father,"

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now