Sweet whispers

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Affogato has talked to Caramel's father about this. He had agreed after Affogato explained how he felt and what he was actually in love with. "Well, if you truly love her, then I allow it fully. It's all up to her in the end though," he had said.

That night, Affogato sat himself next to Caramel. She was fast asleep.
"Hey... Caramel, I know you won't hear this, but I admire you a lot. Your such a sweet and caring cookie... You make me wish I was a better cookie..." Affogato whispered to her before getting up to leave. That's it. He'll just say that to her whenever she is asleep. It would put off some of the weight in his heart. So it was settled. Every night, after she fell asleep, he would whisper such into her ear.

That was when one day...
"Hey... Caramel, I know you won't hear this.... but, I think I'm in love with you. Your such an admirable cookie. Your so kind and caring... If I could, I would kiss you... But that would make you uncomfortable... Well, sleep tight... Goodnight..."
With that, Affogato left her room, closing her door.

The moment the footsteps belonging to Affogato vanished, Caramel got up. She placed a hand over her mouth in shock. Her cheeks turned pink as she felt her mouth form into a light smile. It felt so nice to be wanted like that... She could feel her heart pounding rapidly against her chest, butterflies dancing up a storm in her stomach. Such an intense feeling of joy in her mind. How light it felt, how it gave her so much hope. A hope she could finally love one again. Her above even started to resemble a heart. It was midnight. "Today... Will be a wonderful day..." She thought out loud as she rested her head back onto her pillow, a small smile plastered on her face. Her cheeks still flushed. "Affoagto...You silly cookie..." She giggled as she finally closed her eyes, before falling asleep...

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