Bonus Fluff (featuring Latte Boba Cookie!)

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"Dad...When can I become a watcher like Mom??" Latte Boba Cookie asked their Father (they are currently 10). "Not yet... Even though your really good at training, your still to young!" Affogato said as he pat Boba's head. Boba poured and ran into his room.

"Ah... Their starting to be like me already? How shocking..." Caramel mentioned as she popped out form the kitchen. "Aha, yes. It's nice to feel like there is a mini of you around the house. It's more lively," Affogato replied as he got up and planted a kiss on Caramel's cheek. She laughed a bit before taking his hand.

The two sat down and got some tea and chatted a bit, just a regular healthy relationship. Latte Boba popped out again. "I want to watch a movie," they said blandly.

So they turned on a children's movie (Howl's Moving Castle), and when it came to the end, Latte Boba stuck out their tongue.

"Eww... I never see you two do that in public or in front of me. Or is it just me that this scene is a little weird..?" Latte commented. "Nope! When I was your age, I was like that to! But you might do that in future... Hahaha!" Caramel teased her child as the three bursted out laughing.

What an enjoyable day I suppose

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now