Affigato backstory part 1

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When the child was born, it was clear something was off. His skin was to dark to been completely born in the milk village, and was yet to light to be from the coffee villages in the Cacao kingdom. But nonetheless, the problem only grew worst when he grew his first few locks of hair. It was a mixture of white and dark brown. Even his eyes had an irregular purple iris, a trait almost no one in the milk village had. The issue became worst the moment the child was seen holding a coffee bean. That single, bean was enough to tell all the villages that he wasn't purely made of vanilla ice cream. The king himself was perfectly fine with the marriage of the milk villagers and coffee villagers, but the villagers themselves had an issue. They though of it as a disgrace to fall in love with a member of the opposing village, as it was still not normalised at the time. And yet, that young female cookie just had to get her heart stolen by that coffee mage, finally ending up with the young cookie who was now her son. She knew that if she didn't abandon the child, she would be chased out the village herself, but the child was still young. He had just barely learnt how to speak. Nonetheless, it was a child. She couldn't possibly sacrifice herself over a dumb child that knew nothing. So her decision was set. She would stop hiding him, and that she would leave him deep within the forest, no way home. So off she went, taking the child by the hand, making him carry that small bag filled with a single loaf of bread. The child himself was scared as he walked through the forest, the knee high snow almost getting into his boots. That was when his mother shoved him to the ground. "M-mother..?" He stammered as he tried to get back on his feet.

"Your not my son anymore,"

The cookie said boldly before leaving the child. As the image of the cookie grew fainter and fainter, the child couldn't help but start to sob. What was wrong with him? What did he do wrong to deserve this? With no way home, he only could move forward. He single loaf of bread didn't last long however. With how cold it was, even with how hard the child tried to save it, it was gone within 4 days. The child had resorted ti wrapping the cloth around his neck for extra warmth and comfort. As the harsh wind seemed to push him back, he felt his hair smacking against his face as he struggled ti move forward against the raging wind. It hurt to open his eyes, it hurt to even try to breath. The cold air gave him a sore throat as he shivered from the cold. His body wouldn't be able to take it much longer form the hunger as he stepped forward, his feet numb form the temperature. With no other method of survival, he carefully scooped up a bit of snow front when ground before having the handful into his mouth. It stung his teeth as he forced the cold substance down his throat. It was so bad it felt as if it was freezing his tongue. But it was the only option to survive. He'd rather die trying to survive then die in vain. He did it once, so he could surely do it again. He scooped up the snow one bit at a time, shovelling it into his mouth. Slowly but surely, he felt full. But he couldn't feel content. His stomach felt cold and he could only feel emptiness and shallow hunger despite how much he ate.
This was the only option to survive... might as well take it...

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