Prolgue for new story

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(Please note that everything here is not accurate to the actually story plot of the game. I do not own cookie run or any cookies other than my OCs. Thank you)

The five ancients sat at the table anxiously, holding the letter that told them to meet up there.
The rain pelted against the glass panes mercilessly like bullets as the room was solemn. The letters were all opened, as the ancients stared at each other in silence.
Outside, a car pull over in front of the castle as a couple came out. In spite of the heavy rain and without having an umbrella, they continued to walk toward the castle as the protected a small basket which they held between them. The female's make up washing off slowly, staining her face as the male's hair stuck to him uncomfortable as they used magic to protect the basket. The basket shook a bit as small noises came from it. As they reached the door, two guards gasped in shock but let them in, bowing down out of respect.

"We're here," they announced to ancients who looked up the moment the door opened. "Author Cookie! Narrator Cookie! Your here!" Hollyberry cried out, a forced smile on her face. The two cookies form earlier nodded in response.
As they stepped forward, still drenched, they held the basket tightly.
"We're here to discuss about this letter. Your letter," Dark Cacao continued, a melancholic look on his face. Author and Narrator nodded. Golden Cheese couldn't wait anymore, she slammed her own letter down onto the table with so much forced it nearly cracked.
"Golden Cheese..."

Golden Cheese screamed. The other ancients backed up. "After several fights of glory... the glorious parties we threw... the fights we won! The people we saved! And now your dropping?" Golden Cheese demanded at Narrator and Author. The two nodded. Golden Cheese glanced at Narrator, before charming forward. White Lily screamed while Hollyberry tried to hold her back.

"HOW DARE YOU! WHY! ARE YOU JUST GOING TO GIVE UP FOR NO REASON!" Golden Cheese held Narrator by his collar, demanding him with a mixture of rage and sorrow in her face, tears welling in her eyes. "They have a reason... Cheese. We just don't know it yet," Pure Vanilla calmed her down. Golden Cheese lowered Narrator to the ground. Among the chaos, they didn't notice that Dark Choco, who Dark Caco brought along, was leaking from behind the wall.
"Why would the both of you suddenly want to drop your rankings?" Pure Vanilla asked.

Narrator and Author were part of the ancients. They were friends and also went to the same academy. But... They were suddenly asking to become minor ancients now.

"It's because... It's for the best..." Author said with batted breath. "We understand," Pure Vanilla quickly said as he slapped a hand onto Golden Cheese's mouth. She let out a muffled scream as he held her back tightly. "Calm down Cheese... Don't let your sorrow get the best of you..." Pure Vanilla comforted as he stopped her form lunging forward to kill Narrator.
"But why..? What reason do you have for wanting to quit all of a sudden?" Hollyberry asked, hugging her shield nervously. Dark Cacao but his lip. Surely they had some reason. And what didn't they tell him? They told him almost everything...
"It's because... Of this," Author said as she and Narrator lifted the basket to the table and pushed it gingerly to the center. That was when the basket shook. The Ancients jumped back in shock. Author reached forward and opened the hood of the basket, as soft cooing came out. She revealed it, a young, freshly baked cookie. The Ancients gasped in shock. "Be careful... She's delicate..." Narrator said as he passed the child his fountain pen, which they gladly took and started to fiddle with it.

"You have a child? Why on earthbread wouldn't you tell us then?" Golden Cheese demanded. "And even so... Why are the both of you quitting... Can't one of you stay behind?" Dark Cacao asked shakily. "We don't want her to live with only one of us. We want to spend the maximum time we have with this little one...and besides that... I've sustained an injury..." Narrator said as he lifted his sleeve up. That was when he revealed it, corruption had grown into him. "How?" Pure Vanilla asked as he rushed forward, examining the wound. "I was attacked when I was looking around our kingdom. A bit of corruption had gotten in despite how cautious we were. It can still be healed, but I won't be as suitable for combat anymore," Narrator said with an ironic smile. The ancients all stepped back as the young child in the basket glanced up at them, their eyes sparkling.

"Very well then... We'll be friends forever... won't we?" Golden Cheese asked as she gave her finger to the child. Narrator and Author nodded. Dark Choco peaked inside once more, the image of the scene clearer than ever...

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