Extra fluff

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"Woah... This is the library you used to visit, Affogato?" Caramel gasped in awe as she looked at the library in awe.
"Yes. I remember being so excited every time I came here to read... I heard the walls are enchanted to be unbreakable and very sturdy..."

The library itself was in wonderful condition unlike some of the older building which were in decays. The two stepped into the library and was greeted by marvellous bookshelves stacked high with books of all sorts. Affoagto looked towards the entrance and saw a sign reading, "Cookie,"
Mhm... I can always go to the second floor to check later...

Affogato fished a book from the shelf and flipped it open, browsing through the contents as it explained the history of cookies and all about them. Being a fast reader, he burnt through it in a minute before setting it down. Caramel too took a book and started reading, as she sat down at a chair, engrossed in the book.

"Cara, I'm going up stairs to see if there is anything special," "Mhm..."

Affogato got up and headed up the stairs slowly, as the the surrounding became more familiar and less alien, he reached the next floor. He took a book from the book shelf and flipped through it briskly. "Mhm... Talking about half cookies half gods..?" He took another book and too flipped through it, it was now explaining he history about how these cookies were made, how they were half gods. He flipped through a couple more only to realise they were all the same. He looked over the room to see a sign:

"Half cookies half gods,"

Then... The top floor should be...

Affogato dashed to the top floor and looked at the sign.

"I remember now... This library specialised in gods and half cookies half gods... I was so interested in them..." He muttered as he picked up a book and opened it, coincidentally turning to a page talking about a god of flour. Black Dumpling Cookie. The book talked about the great deeds of said goddess and how she helped cookies.
"What a marvellous cookie... Caramel is like her in a sense. Black Dumpling seems so kind and cool, like Cara-" "Affogato-! I found you! I thought you were lost!" Caramel suddenly broke through Affogato's train of thoughts as she popped out of nowhere.

"I thought you went missing... I'm tired now. Why not we go home?" Caramel asked. Affogato agreed as he took the book downstairs and borrowed it.

It was a good day for the couple.

@Itzlucythebunny thank you so much for the idea! Please note that Black Dumpling Cookie belongs to @Itzlucythebunny and does not belong to me!

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now