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When Caramel Arrow saw the home Affogato was said to be living in by the elder, she didn't actually expect this. It was a home that was being built but it was called off last minute, but as it was already built so much, destroying it would be a waste. It was meant to be a mansion, but over the years, it started to crumble and decay from the rain and snow. Icicles were laced by the edges of the roof as everywhere was surrounded by thick snow. Faint footsteps could be seen, as they formed a path to the entrance of the abandoned home before they stopped. Caramel Arrow steeped forward, inching towards the house a step at a time. Small bits of snow laid on the front porch. Caramel took a deep breath and stepped onto the planks. It creaked, as to be expected. But it felt so unsteady as if it was ready to break at any moment. Caramel proceeded into the house anyway. The house was in wrecks as it wasn't completed in the first place, but missing windows, pieces of wood rendered the inside of the house vulnerable to the cold of the outside. It had never once been warm or cozy in the cacao kingdom. It was always freezing. However the fact that Affogato used to survive in these conditions was scary. Caramel gingerly made her way upstairs, not forgetting about her leg which was still wrapped in bandages. As she lowered her right leg onto the next plank, it gave way and she fell through. She held back her urge to scream as she got her foot unstuck. Pieces of wood stabbed her ankle as blood started to ooze from the wound slowly. How did he even get to learn magic or witchcraft under these circumstances..? She wondered as she finally made it to the second floor. As she glanced around, she declared it safe to venture in. As she opened door after door, she finally found him. Affogato had just sat himself in a corner of the room. His staff and headpiece were littered onto the floor as he had wrapped himself with his cloak. He was slightly shivering as he grabbing something from a bucket and nibbling on it. It looked nothing like ice cream, or coffee. That was when Affogato looked up. Caramel Arrow froze as she gawked at him too, his white eyes staring at him. A look of utmost horror and shock glued to his face.

"Y-you... What are you *achoo* doing here? How did you *achoo* find me?"

Affogato demanded when Caramel Arrow rushed forward. "What the-! Your freezing! Your clock isn't enough to keep you warm!" She yelped. Affogato jumped as he back away. "What... What are you doing- *achoo*!"Affogato questioned as Caramel placed her hand on his forehead. Caramel was feeling the whole too half of his body. It was all freezing. "What on earth have you been eating-! Snow? Affogato! You can't live on snow!" Caramel yelled as she tossed the bucket to the floor, spilling its contents on the wooden planks. Caramel wrapped her arms around Affogato in hopes to warm him up a bit. "I should really take you somewhere else. What do you think? Affogato? Why aren't you replying?" Caramel mentioned before nudging the male gently with her arms. That was when she realised it. He passed out from the cold. His occasional sneezes broke the silence as his limp body shivered in the cold.

What even happened to him..? Caramel wondered as she lifted him up and made her way back to her own home...

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