Caramel Arrow backstory part 2

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Today was the day she met one of the kings assistant. As she glanced at the taller male cookie, she felt a aura around him: Almost as if he was plotting  something.
"Affogato Cookie, this is out watcher, Caramel Arrow Cookie. Caramel Arrow Cookie, this is Affogato Cookie. I hope you two can work together well. I believe the both of you are extremely capable,"

Dark Caco introduced them before going back into the hallways, seemingly vanishing into thin air. A small laugh escaped Affogato's lips as he smirked. Caramel scoffed at him as she trusted whatever strands of hair she had that weren't captured in her bun which perched on the top of her head.

"I suppose we should get to know each other," Affogato mentioned, as Caramel failed not to notice how sly he sounded. Almost as if mocking her. "Fine I suppose. I'm Caramel Arrow Cookie, but you may call me Caramel," Caramel's short yet brief introduction explained much about her personality. A straightforward, serious individual that took pride in her duty from how formal she sounded. "Alright then Miss Arrow. As the king said, I'm Affogato cookie. Just refer to me as Affogato," he replied. Caramel simply nodded in response, not actually caring about this. He seemed to smug and so disgustingly manipulative. It was in his eyes. Caramel could almost see an image of him ruling over the Dark Caco kingdom, the king's crown resting on his head as cookie bowed down to him. The idea of that was disgusting. He stood straight and looked down on her, both literally and metaphorically, almost as if seeing her as a miserable, short cookie that was like an obedient little puppy dog, waiting for its master's orders on what to do. Caramel scowled at the cookie before taking her leave, grabbing her now an arrow which she had set down on the ground. As she left the room, she counted her arrows to realise that one was missing.

That disgusting snake... Not only a manipulative traitor... But a thief too-!

Words couldn't possibly put her anger into proper words as she headed to her caramel watch tower to keep a look out for any intruders.

As for Affogato, he held the arrow in his hands. It was quite well made. He himself could tell that. A sharp tip, hard to break body and over all very easy to throw even with one's hands. It just had a bit of weight to it. He hid it in his clothing and wen tiff deep into the castle to see the king.
Ah... He had so many ideas on how to possibly get rid of Dark Cacao. But hit was the part of him that was gnawing on him, telling him not to. Ah yes... His sense of morals.

"No! Don't do it! The king never did anything to you! He never meant for you fate and past! He couldn't do anything! He was in to much dismay to know!" It seemed to plea with him so desperately. But if he backed away now, all his efforts would have gone to waste. He decided to still carry it out.

This was in fact his one and only chance... To let cookies like him, disgraces to the villager's views live in peace. Perhaps it didn't hurt to dream like that...

Caramel Arrow still thought about Affogato. How he looked so manipulative. But she could still see something else in his eyes... A burning pain and suffering. She didn't want to ask. She wasn't supposed to care. As she knew, the moment she saw him, he would be her enemy without doubt...

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