Chapter 11

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Vans are parked everywhere and students were already getting their bags from the trunks. I breathe heavily slumping against my seat as the driver starts to park the van. I glare outside through the window where Clay was facing at. I click on my tongue annoyed as to why this was taking too long for my own good.

When our van finally parked I sigh relieved as I stand up making my way to the door which clicked open. I place my hand on the handle and slide it open causing it to slam against its limit. We all exit the van and make our way to the trunk however Clay didn't bother since he already had his bag and starts looking for his friends.

I take my bag from the trunk and sling it to my shoulder then look around to see countless of students gathering around with their friends. I also look around trying to find Karl and Bad. I push through the crowds of girls and boys as I see Karl and Bad with their partners Sapnap and Quackity all having a meeting.

To my surprise, Clay wasn't there. Lucky me I guess.

I make my way to them and see them discussing about something serious. "You think they'll be able to get there before us?" I hear Sapnap question to the others with his hands against the wood table.

I hear Bad shrug, "Impossible" I hear him say but I could hear some students start talking that blurred the other words. I raise an eyebrow getting closer, "Too far for their reach" He continued glaring at everyone.

"What are you guys talking about?" I say raising an eyebrow and placing my bag on the table to where they were having their small meeting at. They all glare at me with panicking eyes and I could feel their bodies tense up.

However, Quackity seemed to be unbothered as he slumped against the chair behind him; arms crossing. "There's gonna be a game later. We're planning on how we'll beat others" he said calmly glaring at all of them raising an eyebrow.

For some reason, I believe that so I nod pulling the chair that was to my left placing it directly at my back as I sit, "So? When did you guys get here? My van took at least seven hours" I shrug looking at the time to see that it was now ten o'clock am.

"We've been here since the last hour but the drive was about eight hours" Karl sighed fiddling with his fingers glaring up at me. I groaned annoyed, "Lucky I had to deal with my biggest rival and enemy," I say frowning glaring up at me to see Clay who was looking at Sapnap and Quackity.

"Who?" He says looking down at me with an unknown impression so he didn't seem to be bothered but I could see that unmasked smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes glaring up at him as I twist my body, "No idea" I say smiling sarcastically, "An alien probably. Definitely not some weird freak sneaking on everyone named Clay" I mutter at him as I watch him roll his eyes as he then walked to the other side of the table not welcoming my presence.

He scoffed looking at me dead in the eyes then turning his head to the surroundings around him, "Drop the sarcasm" he mumbled, "Anyways where are the houses? I don't see them anywhere" he huffed crossing his arms leaning against the frame of Sapnap's chair.

"No idea. There hasn't been an announcement since the last hour, we're still waiting for someone to tell" Sapnap said pressing his chin against his palm. I hear Clay hum in understanding glaring around the chair.

I click on my tongue getting up from my chair and start to walk somewhere my mind takes me. "Where are you going?" I hear Karl question behind me but I only huff, "Wherever my feet take me that's where" I shout back at him and quicken my pace basically jogging.

While I'm walking around the campsite exploring I could see countless of girls already starting to stare at me with obvious awe with their friends. Of course, I don't mind and keep my focus on finding the bathroom. "Where the hell is that damn bathroom" I mumble running my hands through my hair.

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