Chapter 43

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I was walking through the halls with my hands on the pockets of my jacket. I enter the main area where countless of employees were found and saw Quackity working on some stone rocks. I tilt my head confused making my way towards him, "What's that?" I ask and he looks at me.

He widens his eyes, "Oh this? These were some rocks that were hidden in the cave where the abyss was found. It had some words we haven't translated yet" he chuckled while I nodded. Suddenly, I felt a tingle on my hands.

I look at my watch where my abyss was placed and saw that my abyss was glowing. I glance back at the rock that Quackity was handling and saw that it was normal. I quickly left the spot where the rocks were found and pressed my abyss.

Ancient cursive text suddenly popped up in front of me. "The Merge between Light and Darkness?" I mumble under my breath while my eyes widened confused and stunned. I didn't know what was going on but it definitely had something to do with the rocks.

I shake my head then felt a hand behind my waist. I smile disabling the abyss on my hands leaning my head against Dream's chest. He hums, "We might get spotted" I chuckle staring up at him as he smiles.

"Can't I show that you're mine?" he says lowly as I shake my head pulling away from his grip, "What are you doing here?" he laughs glancing around the empty corridor.

"Nothing" I smile glaring at him, "I had to stay away from the main room. It's smoky" I chuckle as he nods sitting on the couch beside him.

I sit on the chair beside him and stare at my hands. I frown, "When do you plan on telling them? About us" I mumble glancing up at him from the corner of my eyes and seeing him grin.

"They'll find out soon enough. They're not stupid anyways and there's a ton of cameras here in the headquarters" he said as I widen my eyes staring at him.

"How many times have we kissed?!" I whisper yelled and saw him pout thinking.

"Uh, I think three times already. Two normal kisses and one French kiss" He said. I gulp staring down at my feet. I wonder if they saw us hug, and kiss. Does the restroom have cameras? Fuck, I didn't know. I had no problem with them finding out but I couldn't handle the pressure.

I kept cursing under my breath thinking of the things the security probably already saw. "George calm down" I heard Dream mumble pressing his hands against my thigh, "It's fine. If they find out then what is there to lose?"

"My patience, confidence, ego my social self" I quickly say starting at him. He blinked his eyes chuckling. He snakes his hands around my waist while I gasp while he pulls me beside him while I lean against his shoulder.

Suddenly the ground shakes and the security of the system turned on. The ground lights on the ceiling suddenly flashed red and a robotic woman's voice spoke through the people's ears. "All doors are closing! VIP members, please head to the meeting room!"

"All doors are closing!.." The same voice and same sentence are repeated for at least two minutes. Dream and I were running through the halls. It would at least take us three minutes to get to the meeting room. "Is this an earthquake?" Dream shouted at me.

I pull out my watch and press the earth's statistics and graphs and widen my eyes. "No" I mumble, "This isn't an earthquake," I said showing him the hologram on my watch, "The graphs are normal and it doesn't show any movements on the tectonic plates on earth" zooming out of the graph checking Twitter.

I check the trending website and saw multiple readings just now. "Earth, Earthquake, Shaking, Worldwide," I say all the trendings, "The trendings aren't just in Florida but it's worldwide. All happening at once in all seven continents" I gasp as I kept running.

I saw Dream widen his eyes while running. "There's more. As of this moment, volcanoes are already erupting one by one. Land and Ocean. Most in the ring of fire. Tsunamis are also happening and storms are coming" I breathe starting at Dream, "All of these are related to life," I say.

Dream instantly looked at me, "You don't think it's" he said but suddenly as we entered the meeting room with the ground still shaking. Everyone was nowhere all entering at the same time with Wilbur in the middle.

"Good everyone's here. I'll get over the subject" Wilson said, "I'm sure everyone here knows what has been happening during the past five minutes right? All the natural occurrences such as explosions, tsunamis, storms" he said staring at all of us as we nodded.

"What is Techno up to now?" Dream said beside me in disbelief as Wilbur looks at him.

"This was what he meant by International World Domination. Everything was planned today. International meaning worldwide. World Domination. To control this world using the Abyss of Life" he said. Suddenly a hologram popped up on the table and everyone flinched staring at the hologram

There were at least millions of vehicles flying in the sky shooting bombs from the sky to the ground. Every vehicle had a symbol. A pig in a mask. People were screaming everywhere. Animals were dying and the atmosphere was tense. Filled with smoke and carbon dioxide.

They stared at the world in the hologram in fear. Suddenly, Sapnap slammed his fist against the wall. "That damn bastard! What's his purpose huh?!" he screamed as he kept punching the wall over and over again.

Karl sighed, "Techno seems desperate now. He'll do whatever it takes to destroy the world just to get his hands on the Abyss of light and darkness" he mumbled.

Bad nodded stepping in front, "Plus, we ruined a couple of his missions already and injured tons of his people. That probably got him really mad" Bad said frowning.

I sighed running my hands through my hair. I gazed at the map on his hologram, "So what's happening here in Florida has been happening worldwide on the entire planet?" I asked Karl who nodded.

"Exactly. Techno has sent over ten air jets for one continent. Each jet is to drop a bomb on each continent. If we haven't gotten their Chemical they could have just sent one in the middle of the earth" He mumbled pressing his hands on his chin, "We'll need a plan to stop them. Not just Dream and 404 but all of us" he said as everyone agreed to it.

Quackity suddenly stepped into the conversation, "After we take all seventy air jets. We'll get Dream and 404, to take care of Techno" he said.

Wilbur sighed, "But there are still no signs of Techno and because of the global storming. It's harder to track him down. It will only be possible if we track him below the clouds where the storm doesn't appear. But there's no way he's above the clouds" He mumbled closing his eyes.

I swallowed thinking deeply. If there were going to be storms, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes all of them will need a source to occur. Meaning, that there had to be a source of energy as to why this was happening throughout the world.

It was also obvious why this was occurring. All they needed to know was where. "Bad can you try and track the largest and strongest energy as possible at this current time and the last ten minutes?" I asked him and saw him look at me.

He smile, "I can do that" he exclaimed. He walked towards his computer and started hacking the NASA satellites. He pressed the camera of the satellite and saw Earth. He zoomed into the thermal and natural energy of the earth that represented the yellow and red lights.

He zoomed into the middle of the earth near the equator and it showed the pacific ocean that was circulated by a large amount of thermal and natural energy like an upcoming storm. I smiled, "I have a plan" I said as everyone looked at me listening.

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