Chapter 38

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Condo 1:50 am. Saturday

I'm on my bed doing my homework. It had been at least two weeks now since the Fundy incident and I still haven't learned a new ability. Dream also has not learned a new ability but we are hoping for the next big mission that an ability will be shown.

I click my tongue and right down the math equation on my textbook and sigh. "I'm finally done" I mumble under my breath grunting as I place the book back in the drawer.

I sigh slowly getting up from my bed. I press my palm on the doorknob and twist it open. I walk down the stairs and walked towards the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. I gulp all of the water inside the glass and take a deep breath out sighing.

I look at my watch and press the small marble size abyss with my index finger. A text suddenly showed up in front of me.

[Abyss of Light]

[Abilities Unlocked]

{Creature Creation
Forcefield Generation

I tilt my head going through all of my 5 abilities one by one. I sigh running my hands through my hair pressing the abyss again and disabling it. I only have five abilities and most of them are for defense and to avoid getting spotted. Some used the traits of light such as Photokinesis.

However, I didn't have anything for attacks or even counter attacks. I had to discover at least one ability for attacks in the future knowing that I'll soon need it when I face Technoblade again with Dream. Dream already has an attack ability and that was Sacred Shadow.

That was also the first ability he ever discovered and learned. Except for the one when we discovered the abysses back in the forest. At that time, we didn't understand anything. We didn't understand the power that we held in our hands that we must protect.

I lean against the table in the kitchen and close my eyes letting my mind get consumed with many thoughts. I could remember the words that Fundy said. Hokkaido, Japan. It was where the main base at. Meaning the one in New York where the gala took place was not the main one.

However, it was obvious that it wasn't the main base. There was an energy source in the middle of that base. The base was where most of Techno's technology was hidden. Where robots were made, missions were sent to the men, and probably where Techno also lived.

Based on Fundy's words it seemed that Techno was the only one who knew what the energy source was. I know that the energy source is huge and produced a lot of energy to send out the technologies. But even the Death's Company produced a lot of energy to create their Technology.

So now I'm wondering what was the purpose of that energy source that seemed to be so secretive. A thought popped into my head. Could it be the abyss of life? The abyss held a lot of energy already. Even more than the energy in the Milkyway.

So what was his plan? I sighed shaking my thoughts out mentally and placing my hands on the counter. "His plan has to be something big to be so secretive. All of his missions sent to destroy us was from his people" I mumble under my breath shaking my head but I suddenly hear my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I take out my phone and saw Dream's phone number. Goosebumps goes all over my skin and I could feel my fingers tremble. I didn't know why I was so nervous but I take a deep breath. He rarely calls me during these days so it must be something important.

But then why am I shaking? I gulp pressing the green button and holding my phone over to my ear. "What do you want?" Were my first words to him and it already seemed very wrong. I wanted to curse to the world—Curse to myself.

"Get to the base quickly. Wilbur asked us to be there. Mission 3 is announced and it's big. Get here as soon as possible" He said and ended the call. He seemed to be in a rush and his voice was hushed and soft. Yet low.

I widen my eyes staring at my phone calmly however my chest was already trembling badly and my mind was confused and was consumed by many thoughts. Normally, I would be able to go through those thoughts one by one organized but now I couldn't do that so easily.

Death's Headquarters 2:04 pm.

I arrived at the headquarters after some minutes and was now in the meeting room. I sat on the chair beside and glanced around the room. Everyone was here and Dream was on the other side of the table. He glares at me and we locked eye contact.

He looks at me in an unusual way causing me to shiver quickly looking at Wilbur. My face was calm and steady but my insides were shaking, trembling, and doing cartwheels. A word came across my head and only made me shiver more but I kicked that quickly out of my head and listen to the words coming out of Wilbur's mouth.

Wilbur took a deep breath and sat on the office chair beside them. "As of now. Techno has been terribly quiet ever since we had Fundy hostage. We went through all the documents that Techno scheduled for the next month and we saw something that caught our attention" He said and pressed the button on his chair.

A hologram of paper quickly popped up in front of us and I saw a text on the paper. "International World Domination?" I say with my voice calm and my face showing no impression but I was truly confused.

Wilbur looked at me and nodded,  "International World Domination. None of us knows what it means but the words gave clues. International. Meaning it will happen in all nations. World Domination. Controlling the world. We don't know when it will happen and how but it will happen soon" He said glaring at Dream then me.

Dream and I immediately knew what he meant and shook our heads, "It should be related to his power. Techno's ability is life. So he could control anything around him" Dream said pressing his hands on his chin.

I nodded, "International. So he'll probably send most of his people throughout the world. World Domination. He'll probably handle that but I just don't know how" I said under my breath thinking deeply letting my mind get washed by a wave of thoughts.

Karl nodded, "We'll have to wait when it'll happen. It's impossible to mind read a person and they are probably not showing any signs of when, how, and where they're going to this. In the meantime, we'll have to wait. And we already planned a mission for the two of you" Karl said looking at Bad.

Bad nodded and pulled out a small button from his pocket and pressed it revealing a small bottle in front of us. However, it was just a hologram.

"This is a chemical that will be used for the bombing in the next week. The bomb will be made exactly tomorrow at 5 pm and we'll need to get that chemical in our hands before it is made. This chemical is called Nucleaphoroside" He said as the bottle of chemical kept circulating.

"Nucleaphoroside will be used if not stolen for a bomb. Creating bombs without the government's consent is not allowed and this will be tested on Mars. The bomb is small however it is strong enough to destroy the whole earth together with the Nucleaphoroside" He said as my eyes widened slightly.

"Destroy the whole earth?" I said unfazed glaring at him, "No company on earth had made such chemical. The strongest one is the Tsar Bomba back in 1968. And the bombs like that are now prohibited. If Techno will use that-" I breathed.

Karl nodded, "Exactly. The earth has a 95% chance of getting destroyed and all nature will be in flames. Everyone will die if they don't evacuate this planet immediately and no planet has an atmosphere just like Earth has been discovered" He said, "If Techno is planning on testing the bomb on other planets then the other planets will also be destroyed along with Earth" he muttered.

Sapnap stepped in, "That's why you two will sneak into Hokkaido, Japan. Get the chemical in our hands and destroy it or keep it safe. The chemical was created for at least twenty years and it's hard to make a replica of it" he said glaring at all of us.


(Death's Headquarters 2:04 pm) These are the places and time where the POV is currently at.

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