Chapter 25

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Owl Formation, snow owls were perfect to withstand the cold because of their fur so I chose Aurora to transform into an owl for now. She was on my arm left arm waiting for my order while I was looking at the map in the building.

I sighed closing the hologram not wanting to be stressed because of the timer that said I only had twenty-nine minutes and a half left. I run my hands through my hair. "I want you to fly around the building. Try to be careful so you won't get spotted. I'll be seeing your vision" I mumble as Aurora quickly nodded zooming to the sky.

"Vision Match" I mumble closing my eyes seeing Aurora's vision. Her vision was a little blurry because of the snow but I could manage. She looks around and stared at the tower. I could see two men guarding the rooftops with guns. There was also a small circle there that looked like an opening with ladders inside.

Aurora looked around a little more carefully and I noticed that there weren't any cameras on the top floor. It was a good place to start. It was better to be safe than sorry and go straight to intense action. I opened my eyes, "Aurora keep on guard. I'm on my way to the top" I say pulling my mask up.

"Photoportation" I mumbled under my breath as I quickly got teleported against the wall. I looked up and saw the camera that was moving from side to side. I backed against the wall holding my breath. "Invisibility" I mumble and quickly turn invisible slowly climbing the stairs.

When I reached the top I saw the two men who were changing directions. I sigh backing against the wall and gasped silently when I felt my invisibility wear off. "I guess it also has a limit" I mumble glaring at the two men on the other side of the wall.

"Here goes nothing" I mumble as I twirl my body around against the corner and look at the two men intensely.

"Who are you? Put your hands up!" The first one commanded right when he saw me.

I smile shaking my head, "I'm not here to take orders" I say as they quickly shot several bullets at me but I quickly dodge the first one by bending my whole body, "Force-field generation" I quickly say as the next few bullets that came flying got blocked off.

"What?!" They screamed but I only smirked tackling them as I took the first punch on the first guy directly on his nose. He grunted when he felt the impact but I didn't let him rest and quickly kneed on his crotch part making him yell in agony going to the ground.

Then at the second guy, I just grabbed my gun and pointed it directly at his shoulder as I pulled the trigger. The next thing I knew was him covered with blood on the ground passed out. I cringed, "I hope he didn't die. That was only meant for him to pass out" I gulped calling Aurora.

She landed on my shoulder and turned into a small bird tweeting. "You did good" I smile turning on my watch again to check the timer. I already lost two minutes so that means I only had twenty seven minutes left before the explosion.

I take a deep breath and make my way toward the ladders. When I reached the bottom I was met with two guards that I easily took care of by making them pass out by punching them repeatedly. I sigh looking at the map seeing that I was on the top floor. The basement where the bomb was five floors down below me.

"I'll have to fight more guards to get there" I mumble and start to walk through the halls trying to find the stairs down. I stopped walking when I sensed there was a camera that was watching me. I glance to the ceiling. Just as expected I saw a camera moving from left to right.

I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the camera shooting the red spot where the footage was being made. I suddenly saw the sirens go off. "Shit those cameras knew" I mutter under my breath. I look to my left and saw at least twenty guards with guns.

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