Chapter 16

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My legs are crossed as I sit against the large couch across from Wilbur's office who happens to be a successful man who holds a secret business. The Death's Company was made to protect the civilians of this world from the businesses that were slowly making the people suffer.

Death's Headquarters was made for experimenting with technologies and weapons for future advancements and to help fight for the continents. It was just like the Visionary Revolution except this one was hidden in the shadows like a monster. They didn't want to be discovered—they didn't want to be praised.

Their only objective was to save the people's lives secretly. Wilbur sighed placing the cup of coffee on the table looking at both of us with a serious look. "The cave that you two went in was highly dangerous and mysterious. No one knew it except for us not until this day" he breathed.

I raise an eyebrow shifting positions, "Was it because of us? When we went there did they find out because of us?" I ask him anxiously.

He shakes his head, "No no of course not. We found out that they found out that they had found the cave a week ago. So we tried to stop them, however—it seems like they got their first and of course you too" he says and sighs glancing to the window.

"That cave was made because of an asteroid that hit earth thousands of years ago. A glowing rock that did not cost damage but just show its light. No one knew it except for us. We studied that cave for years and found out it had huge energies within it. Going deeper we found two abysses and ancient greek words on the ceiling" he said.

I flinch when I heard the word abyss. I look at Clay and saw him flinch also gulping as he reaches out for his pocket. So do I, grabbing the now small abyss because I accidentally absorbed its energy. I look at Wilbur who smiled, "So you two are the chosen ones" he grinned.

I blink, "What?" I say confused.

"The chosen ones" Wilbur repeated.

"Yeah, I don't get it" Clay huffed crossing his arms against his chest.

I nod, "No one chose me. I choose who I am. I am me and will always be me" I grumble taking a sip of my coke and putting it on the table.

Wilbur sighed pressing his fingers against his forehead shaking his head, "Children" he mumbled looking at us. "You two don't understand. Someone can't just take its energy inside it. The abyss of darkness and The abyss of light chooses its forever owner" he says pressing his palm against the table.

When he pressed his palm against the table it showed the hologram of the cave. The ceiling of the cave to be exact showed all the ancient Greek words that I couldn't understand. He let go of the table and zoomed into the hologram pressing the greek words. After pressing, a female voice that echoed spoke up

"The abyss of Light and The abyss of darkness are two magic that is completely the opposite. Light is powered by the sun and darkness is powered by the moon. Together they form incredible power and mana. But when this power falls in the wrong hands.

It becomes chaos.

From outer space. This voice shall speak through rocks. These two abysses are made to protect the world and people—not destroy. They are also made to protect themselves when they have not found their true owner by not letting themselves get absorbed by others.

Simply—they will choose the people who would get the hold of the abysses power. However, once it finally chose who it belongs to. The person who holds the power will be the one to protect the power. Using it to protect itself and the people around"

The hologram then shuts up revealing Wilbur. I let out a shaky breath, "You're telling me we are the ones who got chosen by the abysses?" I tell him.


Clay coughed, "and? What do you want me to do? Go save the world from the villains I don't even know?" He said rolling his eyes scoffing, "Listen here, I don't even know why the abyss chose me to be its owner. I'm not nice—nor do I have a heart. This must be some glitch" He says rolling his eyes.

Wilbur frowned, "The abyss is never wrong. It chooses who it truly belongs to and has a warm heart. A heart that will save the world from danger. Even if you say you are not that person the abyss sees you as a different person. Abysses work as a telepath. It reads the minds and heart of a person" he says crossing his arms.

He takes a breath out, "that's how it picks its owner. The two abysses aren't stupid. As for your tasks. I will simply tell you what you two are going to do and train you both on how to fight and use and summon your powers. Of course, you two will work as a team when it comes to missions" he says.

I cough as my eyes furrow darting my eyes at him, "Excuse me? Work together with him?!" I say pointing my fingers at him, "Listen I already suffered from being partners with him because of a camp trip! There is no way I can work with him when it comes to 'saving the planet' no way" I yell deeply.

"If I'm going to be saving the world with this idiot. I'd rather die actually. I'm out" Clay then says standing up as he placed the small abyss on the table making me flinch when he produced a loud slam sound. "Find someone else. I'm leaving" he huffed going towards the door outside.

I sigh placing my hand against my forehead glaring at Wilbur who seemed to be unbothered. I place my abyss on the table, "I'm sorry but this isn't going to work. Thank you for saving us" I smile sadly lowering my head to the floor as I walk out.

"It is okay" I hear Wilbur tell us. I turn my head to him with my eyelids raising, "You both will have no choice anyway. The abyss says that itself" he smiles.

I swallow air, "What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"You shall see tomorrow. For now, have fun until it ends. Once you come back, I will tell who we are up against" he grins waving at me as I slowly walk out of the room shutting the door behind me slowly. I blink rapidly slamming myself against the cold concrete wall gulping.

The abyss says that itself. I take a deep breath closing my eyes, "What does that mean?" I mutter sighing pushing my head back against the wall looking up. I look at my hands tracing my eyes against the lines that I could see on my palms.

Is this the last time I'll see him?

1184 words
It's quite a short chapter I know. And I'm sorry

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