Chapter 14

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Both of us are using our flashlights looking around this cave that was restricted. "It seems abandoned" I mumble glaring around the small cracks in the cave with spiders and insects crawling in them.

I hear Clay scoff, "No shit sherlock" I hear him say pointing his flashlight directly in my eyes and I see him roll his eyes

I squint my eyelids annoyed blocking the light with my hands. I feel the light that was shining on my hands disappear so I remove my hands in front of me. I look at him and bring up my right hand to the air, "What do you think is this?" I ask him.

He looks at me, "A hand? What else?" he says in a questioning tone looking at me with his hands in his pockets.

"Wrong" I scoff, "This is not a hand. It is a slapping weapon that will soon travel across your face" I smile as I wave my hand to him and blink.

"Don't do that" he says in a low voice.

I raise an eyebrow, "Do what?" I ask.

Scoffing he says, "That thing. That's my thing" he grumbles and continues to search the restricted cave exploring. I roll my eyes bringing up my flashlight around the cave. I heard a small sound on the floor so I flinch quickly turning my flashlight to the floor.

I saw a rat that was munching on a rotten berry on the floor. I cringe at it disgusted and feel shivers run down my spine, "You're scared of a rat?" I hear Clay mutter under his breath while searching the cave.

"You're scared of spiders" I clarified and watch him shrug obviously annoyed. I swore he mumbled something under his breath but I didn't hear it quite well so I just let it pass.

While I am searching the surfaces of the caves all I saw were ants and insects, holes in the walls that probably led to small crates and caves, and some vines against the wall. The cave looked antique and old and it was at least thousands of years old. I flinch when I saw a rockfall from the ceiling.

Quickly, I look up turning the head of my flashlight on the ceiling of the cave. My eyes shot open when I saw sometimes I didn't expect to see. I back away slightly which caught the attention of Clay. He raises an eyebrow also looking up and widened his eyes in amazement but also in horror.

On the ceiling, there were two dragons one on the left and one on the right. Each dragon had a symbol that had its tails wrapped around it. The first one on the left had its tails wrapped around a sun symbol and it had clouds covering its wings. The next one had a moon symbol and stars covering its wings.

They were pictured as if they were following each other's tails. In the middle, there was a four headed dragon that had its tail wrapped around an unfamiliar symbol. The symbol looked like a galaxy. It had stars, the milky way, the sun, basically everything. Surrounding the pictures were words.

But they weren't ordinary words but it was greek words that I couldn't understand. Quickly, I pull out my phone and take a picture of the texts so I could maybe translate them that will be including the pictures. I sigh placing my phone back in my pocket.

Clay gulped, "Is this an ancient greek cave from hundreds of years ago?" Surprisingly he asked me still staring at the ceiling with his flashlight dancing around the stone walls.

"Must be" I sigh, "But there's no way nobody has ever seen this. I think it really was a bad idea to be here" I turn my head to Clay and see him swallow tensed.

I take a step back stumbling and gasping. I stop myself from moving but I felt the floor beneath me move downwards. Slowly, I look down and saw a square that had the same symbol like the sun symbol on the ceiling.

I look up at Clay and see him staring at my feet. "What did you do?" He breathed in disbelief then turned his glare directly to my eyes. I just shake my head not daring to move an inch turning my head to him. I see him back away from me and look down.

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