Chapter 20

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So far I got used to my Creature Creation power that I accidentally used to summon my dog. Creation Creation is used to create different creatures made of light that are alive. It can work for a snake, cat, dog, and lions. I also found out that you could train the creatures to be your pets.

I also found out that the reason I wasn't able to sleep was because of energy that was created by the abyss inside the headquarters preventing us from sleeping or getting tired. So when at night we'll be here with no sleep at all.

I pressed my palm against the floor, "Creature Creation" I mumbled as I thought of a wolf. A small circulating circle appeared on the floor as I backed away. Suddenly, beams of light shot into the air forming a wolf that was half of my size.

"Having pets made of light isn't going to help" I heard Dream mumble. Starting now Wilbur told us to call each other by our code names when it comes to missions and when we're at the headquarters. It'll take time to get used to but I can do it.

I scoff, "I'm pretty sure you also have creature creation just by made of darkness. After all, my powers are the opposite of yours but we still have similarities" I tell him glaring at the wolf that was rubbing its face to my knees.

"I'd rather be different" Dream mumbled colliding his fingers in a scissor formation that made a partial amount of his surroundings turn into shadows. Everything flourished and vines appeared everywhere.

Suddenly holograms of men with guns came towards him ready to attack. He guides his fingers towards the men making the vines follow them. When the vines got wrapped around the holograms of the men we squeezed them shut making all the holograms disappear.

"Sacred Darkness" I mumble under my breath. It was one of Dream's abilities that he also accidentally used in the forest. Causing some of his surroundings to turn dark and strengthen. Once he turned it into shadows he'll use them to fight creating vines.

But it only sometimes works. Sacred Darkness better functions at night or when it's dark not when there is light. "The first ability I mastered is useful. Unlike your creature creation that makes pets," he muttered.

I scoff looking down to see my wolf staring at Dream with the eyes of a devil. I smirked, go after him, I tell the wolf in my thoughts as the wolf only nodded going after Dream tackling him.

"Wh- what?!" Dream screamed about to run away but my wolf already tackled him to the ground. "Why is she so damn fast?!" He yelled trying to push the wolf away from him.

I laugh falling to the ground, "You're forgetting I have the power of light and light travels fast as fuck" I said snapping my fingers, Bird Formation. I told my wolf in my thoughts.

The wolf then turned into a small bird flapping its wings in the sky. "Come back here" I chuckle as I watch the bird fly toward me at the speed of light landing on my shoulder elegantly.

Dream grunted getting back up. I only giggle, "Creature Creation when it comes to light is perfect for getting to victims faster when they try to escape. I also get to have a buddy" I tell him.

He hummed when he and slowly walked towards the wall that had buttons "Can you avoid this then?" He said smirking pressing the button that was on the small wall beside him.

"Huh?" I murmur looking around and saw four robots that were coming at me that appeared out of nowhere. The thing is they weren't holograms like what Dream fought. They were real robots with real guns. "Shit" I mumble under my breath backing away.

I face Dream who was backed up against the wall, "Are you crazy?! Turn it off!" I yelled looking back at the robots that were jogging towards me with their metal boots.

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