Chapter 28

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It was one o'clock in the afternoon and I was in the headquarters together with Dream currently. The group decided to be early for now since the flight from Florida to New York was two hours and thirty minutes and the plane had to arrive there by seven-thirty.

So we had to make a plan fast before three o'clock when we'll go back to our houses, get our suits and travel to the airport. It was a long and confusing process but we'll manage hopefully. We were all in the meeting room with Wilbur, Karl, and Bad. "So what's the plan?" Dream asked raising an eyebrow.

"The plan is" Wilbur sighed pressing his hand on the table as every light inside turned off. A blue hologram then appeared in front of us. "Is this" he said as a file popped up in front of us.

I read the title of the file, "Project forty-nine?" I raised an eyebrow glaring at Wilbur who nodded.

"Inside that file is all his future sabotages for other companies. We'll need it so we can at least predict the next plans he'll do. That file will be in the gala for some reason since he brought it with him. It's the only file we'll ever get in years" he said pressing his two fingers on the table zooming out as a laptop appeared.

He crossed his arms, "Project forty-nine will in his laptop. All you need to do is hack in that laptop and download that file to your USB. Then your mission is done" he said backing away and letting Karl take over.

Karl cleared his throat zooming all out in the laptop as the blueprint of the gala appeared, "That laptop is located in his office on the fourth floor out of six floors. It's heavily protected by high trained men, drones, lasers, and thermal night vision motion detector cameras" he said pointing at the bathroom on the gala room.

I looked at it, "That's the only way so you two can get there. You have to pretend you two need to go to the restroom. You'll knock out two of the guards that protect the room and pretend to be guards that will guard the next floor" he said pointing at the doors of the bathroom.

I sighed shaking my head glaring at Karl, "We can just use our teleportation" I tell him looking at Dream who nodded lazily.

"No" I heard Bad speak stepping in, "It's impossible since people will know when you come out of a specific room or not. If you come out but never came in they'll suspect you. Techno knows teleportation; he'll immediately know that it's you two" he said as I frowned in defeat.

Karl nodded, "Once you two get to guard the second floor we'll make an illusion on the camera's thinking that you two actually came out of the room. Then at that time, we'll warn you when someone is coming in your way and which direction you two should go" Karl instructed as he pointed at the cameras.

"How about just disable the camera there?" Dream cut in as we both looked at Karl.

"We can't. They'll suspect something's wrong and the gala will immediately get canceled. We need to play safe rather than get caught" he mumbled frowning as Dream nodded tensing his shoulders a little.

"We'll communicate with you two through these" Bad said as he placed a box in front of us. He opened the box and there showed up two small black ear piercings.

I blinked looking up at Bad, "I don't do piercing" I mumble.

Bad shakes his head pushing the box in the middle "It just attaches you don't need to put a hole on your ear" he says.

"Don't we already have earpieces in our suits?" Dream asked raising an eyebrow as he examined the piercings.

"Those don't work anymore since they only work when you both power your suits. These piercing communicators can work even without the suits. You can wear it 24/7" He smiled like I and Dream both grabbed one piercing placing it on our ears.

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