Chapter 36

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Currently, nothing made sense. I didn't understand what was the purpose the sending the man named Fundy to Dream's home to kidnap him. I also didn't understand how they knew his address. But for now, all of us were safe. Dream was shot by a propofol that was why he was passed out but now he was okay.

We were all in the jail room where intruders and hostages were kept safe and secured. No one could get in and no one could get out without a specific card that only members of the Death's company had. VIP members to be exactly like me, Dream, Wilbur, Bad, Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap.

Fundy was tied up on the chair with a lie detector equipment on his body tangled around his chest, brain, and nerve cells. That was why a specific needle was injected into him to know whether he was lying or not. Dream was sitting on the couch with Sapnap while me and Wilbur were standing up looking at Fundy.

"Who sent you here?" Wilbur asked Fundy.

Fundy glared at the shocker all over his body and gulped glaring at Wilbur. "The Changer" he mumbled silently.

I nodded looking at him closely unfazed showing no emotion. However, I was analyzing him carefully to see if he was doing something against us. He glared at me with fear and I just raise an eyebrow at him giving him a death stare. He gulped looking back at Wilbur, "How did your boss know his address?" Wilbur asked.

Fundy knew exactly who the 'his' Wilbur was talking about. He swallowed carefully taking a deep breath, "He didn't I followed him—ah!" He screamed when I saw the shock turn on. I smirk slightly but it quickly faded glaring at him.

I walk toward him and lift his chin harshly. "Lie one more time and you'll die with the electric shock. That shock you just felt wasn't the highest" I said as he widened his eyes shocked. "That was the lowest" I whispered in his ear smiling innocently taking a step back from the scene.

I giggled looking at him with a hint of evil, "Now. I'll ask this time. How did you know Dream's address?" I coldly said glaring at him as if I was to put a dagger in his heart.

"While he was fighting. Some of his blood splattered on the floor. We tried tracking their identity of his but the paper was blank. Only the address" He spoke slowly looking at Dream who was staring at him with rage, "That was because he was wearing a mask and only a little blood splattered. That's why I was sent to kidnap him. To know his full identity and bring him back to base" he mumbled.

I glanced back at Wilbur and saw him nod telling me secretly that he was telling the truth now. "We're done" Wilbur sighed but I raised an eyebrow stopping him from packing.

"Stop," I told him sternly and coldly, "I also have questions," I said smiling as I glared at Fundy.

I sat on the chair beside crossing my arms, "How many bases are there in the Visionary Revolution? And where is the exact location of them" I asked him.

He widened his eyes in horror keeping quiet. I raise an eyebrow placing my hand on my back clicking my tongue repeatedly. He stares at me calmly but an obvious feared expression was on his face. I could easily read him like a book, "I don't know" He mumbled and he immediately screamed right after he said that.

I raised and furrowed my eyebrows frowning in disappointment, "How many bases are there in the Visionary Revolution" This time I wasn't even asking. I was threatening him now. Scaring him. Making him fear me as if I was a monster.

He kept screaming shaking his head, "I'd rather get killed by you than tell you!" He cried out as he kept getting electrocuted.

I laughed, "Then how should I kill you?"

Fundy suddenly pauses staring at me when I said my words. It was obvious he didn't expect those words to come out of my mouth. "I don't care" He mumbled, "Your decision"

"Should I chop you off to pieces?"

"Your... decision"

I thought deeply giggling, "Should I stab you with a stick like a pig and cook you in the fire?"

"It's up to you!" Fundy yelled.

"I think I want to peel off your skin and take all of your organs out and feed them to my pet"


I take out my dagger from behind and swiftly throw it beside him causing everyone to flinch even Dream. Fundy looked behind him and saw the dagger on the wall clanging. He was panting heavily. It was obvious he didn't want to die. As I said he was easy to read. His face said it all.

But he acted tough. So I'll pressure him more thinking if he could fall for it. "Should I slowly stab you with a large needed through your heart? It'll be more fun anyway!" I exclaim, "So I can watch as you slowly die witnessing all the pain slowly and surely," I tell him as he screams.

"Fine!" He cries out as the shot stops. I smirk there it is. He pants, "There's a lot of bases throughout earth but only some are backups and they don't use it that much. So only little information can be found there. Even none! The main base is in Hokkaido, Japan! In the snow since all most of all of the energy are there for machines and missions!" He yelled as everyone's eyes widened.

"I see. Do you know what causes that much energy?" I raise an eyebrow glaring at him. His face becomes unreadable and his glare drops to the floor. I tilt my head glaring at him. It seemed like he didn't know anything about the source of energy. "Then do you know who knows the source of energy?" I asked.

"The Boss is the only one who knows the source of energy. He is the one who set it up. Him and only him. His workers helped him make the materials for his creation however he was the only one who could see the source with his very own eyes" He mumbled. I turn to face Wilbur and saw him nod.

I sigh pouting, "Aw" I mumbled, "I guess you don't have a use now. Should I just kill you?" I smile gazing at him.

His breathing suddenly picked up, "Please! I told you everything that you wanted! Don't kill me! Please have mercy!" He pleaded glaring at all of us with a desperate look.

"Huh? But I don't see why I should keep you alive though" I frowned as he shook his head madly but he got cut off by Wilbur.

"404 that is enough. You have scared the teen now" He said as I scoff showing him the sarcastic, 'I know' look. "Killing is not the way to solve anything. Besides we can use him as trap in the future. For now, we'll hold him hostage" He said pressing a button as cages trapped Fundy.

I smirk glaring at Fundy, "For now" I mouthed at him as he widened his eyes in fear panting. I smirked exiting the room leaving him alone in the dark.

Author's note:

Isn't that a little harsh Gogs? No? Okay

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