Chapter 44

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The plan would take at least hours to complete however it was the only way that I had discovered. All members of the VIP would get their own jets and split up through the country. Every member will be handling one continent to protect. They would take down one jet one by one that would drop bombs.

Dream would be handling to protect Europe. Wilbur will be handling to protect Antarctica. Bad will be handling to protect Oceania. Karl will be handling to protect South America. Quackity will be handling to protect North America. Sapnap will handling to protect Africa. And lastly I will be handling to protect Asia.

Each jet had a hologram map. On the maps, the continents that they were assigned to had red dots that were the targets of Techno's people to bomb. All of us will be headed to the ones closest to our jets taking them down one by one before they perform the bombing.

Everyone's jets were now up the clouds after a shaking struggle because of the natural occurrences caused by Techno like storms and earthquakes. I started my engine pushing the handle to its maximum as my jet started flying towards Asia. I glanced at the map to see where the first target was.

"Target locked, Location Asia. Country, Iraq" A robot voice rang in my ears as I started to head to Iraq. I was passing through the thick atmosphere and whenever I look down from my jet the clouds were thick gray and thunder was heard everywhere. And these clouds were covering the earth.

I wonder how the people below were doing. Have they evacuated their homes yet? I glance back at the map and saw that I was now and at least one kilometer away from the jet. It was close enough I started going down the clouds putting on the protection of the jet and the guns to shoot the enemy.

I aim at the bomb of the target while it was about to release. I make sure to keep a distance away from him so I wouldn't explode. A flash suddenly disturbed me and I quickly moved the jet from the side when I saw lightning going to the ground.

I was now in the clouds with the large rain drops falling to the ceiling while I catch up to the target. "Locking target," The robotic voice said while I pressed my finger on the button on my handle to shoot the bullets out my jet to the bomb. "System activated," it said again and I started shooting the target that moved from side to side like a worm.

This bitch! I kept shooting him over and over again. I look back at the map and saw that they were getting close to the center of Iraq. Fuck, I needed to be faster. So I press the handle more and speed up the jet slightly. One kilometer away from the center I finally shot one bullet at the engine but it quickly recovered.

Half a kilometer away from the center I tried to shoot again but it missed. Then we were finally in the center and the bomb instantly dropped. But I lower the jet and quickly shot the bomb that exploded in the atmosphere. "Jet one down. Nine more to go" I mumbled as I contacted Dream.

"Are you good there Dream?" I mutter as I headed to the next destination that was India.

"Yeah, I'm good. The jets here are pretty close since Europe is so small. You?" He asked and I smiled while I headed towards the next destination.

"The distance between targets here in Asia is big. Sometimes I struggle to catch up" I laugh as I kept my eyes on the atmosphere and the map.

"Okay, once you're done. Let's get to Plan B of your plan" he said and hung up. I nodded. Plan B. That was when both me and Dream were done getting rid of our assigned jet targets. That was to head to the middle of the Earth and find Techno. The middle of the earth was found beside the Mariana Trench.

However, we didn't have an exact location of where the Energy was coming from because of the clouds so we would have to find it for ourselves. Over the past few days, Dream and I had been discovering more and more abilities. For example, I finally had a Laser Emission and Dream had Umbrakinesis that was just like my Photokinesis.

However, we couldn't only rely on our abilities but we also had our physical strength and weapons that were always the main keys. "I'm heading to the Pacific" I heard Dream say lowly and I nodded taking down the last bomb in Asia located in the Philippines.

I was lucky that the Philippines was just beside Mariana's trench so I could get there in the nick of time easily. My jet landed on the sea that turned into a small submarine that was shaped like an Alien Spaceship and I started to go underground.

Just as expected, many volcanoes were already erupting in the Ocean while I dodged all of them before they even hit me one by one. Species in the ocean were already dying and the currents were a lot stronger pulling me down lightly. But I couldn't let that happen just because of the Tsunamis.

Boom! I heard and I quickly dodged the explosion twisting the submarine to the left as I kept the same high speed. On the other hand, I glared back at the map and saw that I was getting close to the energy source. That was expected since it was getting harder to get there.

I also noticed that Dream was slowing down a bit because of the energy. I arrived at a small island in the middle of the ocean. I got out of the submarine when I reached the surface and gasped when I saw a tree falling in front of me. I quickly used my forcefield generation to block that.

The wind was strong and was definitely strong enough to make a human being fly away without gravity boots so I was glad I have those. I grabbed my dagger from my pocket and looked around the area. In the middle of the island inside the forest, there was a glowing white, black and gold light.

I felt an arm on my shoulder and flinched about to stab the person with my dagger in the stomach. The person stopped my movements by grabbing my arm making me gasp looking up at him. I saw Dream who was staring at me with narrowing eyebrows. I sigh lowering my dagger, "It's just you" I mumble.

"Your boyfriend actually," he said as I blush with my heart thumping against my skin looking away. We haven't even made it official. I thought glancing around the area.

"I believe Techno is there," I said to him pointing my fingers at the forest, "That's where Techno is. That's what it says in the signal" I mumble while Dream started going through the forest. "Dream! You can't just go there already! What if he kills you?!" I yelled and saw him turn my head towards me.

He scratches his head pouting while I made my way towards him lightly punching him on the shoulder, "You idiot" I mumble as he smiled pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"Sorry" he frowned but I shake my head and headed towards the forest path.

The wind suddenly became stronger and it was now getting harder and harder to walk. I create a forcefield surrounding us two as the atmosphere suddenly became normal. We both sigh in relief and started to go through the forest. When we arrived at the end I noticed that there wasn't any wind now.

We split up in different directions in the flat circle space where the light was in the middle. Bang! We both take out our guns and point them at the middle of the island, "Oh how wonderful! My prey got caught into a trap" Techno's voice rang in our ears.

Author's note:

This story will be ending soon! I already started working on the next one! Damn I'm already getting sad :)

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