Chapter 12

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It's almost three o'clock yet, the time that all of the students should be headed back to the camp yet I'm still here eating my popcorn while watching Netflix on the flat-screen TV. I shove my hand inside my bowl about to get some popcorn but I only felt the bowl.

I looked down at my plate and noticed that my popcorn was now gone and my bowl was empty. My eyes twitched annoyed placing my bowl to my side harshly, "This is stupid" I huff glaring at the flat-screen TV crossing my legs. "What's stupid huh?" Fuck off, I want to say but I just shrug it off glaring beside me to see Clay who was on the other side of the couch.

"None of your business captain hook" I scoff taking out my phone and deciding to check on Twitter. I hear him laugh annoyed and I could also see in the corner of my eyes him glare stabbing bullets at me. I press on my Twitter app to see what was up today but there was really nothing new but just people sharing their thoughts out in public.

Silence passed, horrible, horrific terrible silence corrupted the atmosphere. The tension between Clay and me was quiet, maybe too quiet for our own good. I could hear the silent aura of the electricity from the invisible force field that I and Clay can only see because this was our camp house.

"Actually it is my business because I'm your-" I hear Clay say but he got cut off when a glitching hologram appeared in front of us. Suddenly, the TV got turned off and the movie that I was watching was on Netflix. I groaned annoyed glaring at Clay who seemed to be dumbfounded. He looked at me with his eyes widened, "I didn't do anything" he quickly spoke.

I roll my eyes, "Tell that to yourself" I say about to get the phone but I hear someone speak in front of me.

I flinch glaring in front of me to see the hologram turn into a girl who had blue eyes and a white uniform. She seemed to be a robot, "Good afternoon fellow campers! To start our camping adventure! Please proceed to the camping site now with your watch that will pop up in moments in front of you! Thank you" she says, and disappears".

I raise an eyebrow, "What watch did she mean-" I question but I got caught off when I saw the table in front of us flip. When it flipped, I saw two watches that were laid against the glowing white table. "Woah" me and I both say and take our respective watching quickly snatching it into our hands.

I sling the watch to my left wrist gazing at it as it glows white. I click on my tongue confused; pressing my fingers tips against the screen of my watch. Suddenly, I see a hologram pop up in front of me against the surface of the watch. "Team Cyan" I read on the hologram causing it to then glow to Cyan.

I smile but it quickly drops when I turned my head to Clay who also had the same text on his watch. I groaned pressing my palm against my forehead, "God I hate it here" I whine displeased looking at Clay who had a look of disbelief on his face as he then glares at me with his eyes filled with hatred and tiredness.

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I and Clay were at least six feet away from each other unlike the other teams that were holding hands and some even are cuddling. Too bad for the school, they picked the worst possible partners for both of us. Splendid.

We are all in front of a massive river and kayaks of different colors were all in the river. There was still no instructor to show or tell us what to do so I just chilled. I am leaning against a tree with my knees and arms crossed on top of each other.

To my left were Luke and Aaron again. Aaron was leaning against a small thin tree with Luke in his arms kissing his neck softly. I feel my stomach twirl seeing them all cuddly. "I can't believe I'm the one getting affected" I grumble to myself looking away back at the small bridge on the lake.

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