Chapter 26

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I wipe away the sweat on my forehead glaring around the basement. "Where the hell are the guards?" I asked Dream who just leaned against the wall playing with his pet who is named Star.

He shrugged, "I made them go back to the other floors and threatened them" he mumbles rubbing the fur on Star's chest. I sigh nodding glaring at Aurora who was on my shoulder. I press my palm on her forehead causing her to disappear. I looked at my hand, you did well.

"What now?" I asked Dream.

He rolled his eyes, "You think I know?"

"I think you two got confused enough" I heard someone speak up. Suddenly everything around us again changed and the floor began moving upwards again. I stumbled forward looked around and saw everything slowly beginning to change. The walls were becoming white.

I blink and saw everything completely change. I saw the metal doors, metal white walls. We were back in the training room. "The fuck?" I mumble looking around and saw Wilbur at the door with a huge smile on his face.

He clapped his hands, "You two have passed the test" he said gazing at both of us.

I tilt my head confused, "What test?"

"The Mission you two just took was all an illusion. The people you saw were all not real and the bomb was a trick to make you do the mission" he said glaring at both of us with an impressed smile, "The reason for this mission was to test you both if you two are capable in handling your first mission that is in three days" he said.

Dream pouted, "So you don't think that we're not capable of handling our first mission?" He said with a sarcastic frown.

Wilbur shook his head, "Of course not. But I wanted to see how you two were going to handle working together for the mission. Although you two almost failed right from the very beginning" he said pressing a button beside him as a huge flat screen TV popped up in the ceiling.

I looked at the TV and saw a small recap in the illusion...

"Whatever. This should be easy. All I need to do is get to the basement and turn off the bomb. Easy, you can just chill here while I do it"

"ARE YOU STUPID?! Without a plan?! All by yourself?! God, I shouldn't be surprised but holy shit you are the most problematic, stubborn, dumb, shitty, bitch in this damn world!"

"I don't need you god damn it! Unless you're such a baby and want to do this 'All together'"

"Do that shit by yourself. Let's see who gets there first"

It played I cringed rolling my eyes glaring at Wilbur who laughed quietly. "You two are you going to need to work together more and cooperate or it'll lead to failure. I'm sure none of you two wants that am I right?" He said looking at both of us as we shook our heads.


I was breathing heavily with all the bots that were surrounding us both. On my back was Dream who had his back against mine while holding his Sniper. A bot came up running to me as I quickly tackle towards it grabbing its arm cracking it to the side.

These bots weren't made of metal but they were illusions so they'll look like real people like in reality. I twist its arm and shove him to the floor shooting a bullet in its stomach. We had a rule—Killing wasn't allowed but injuries were so we only were allowed to shoot at certain parts such as the knee, shoulder, and stomach.

I duck to my back when I sensed a punch going to my head I quickly stood up punching the temple part of the bot. I kept on knocking out bots with my fist other than my powers since there will be times that my powers aren't allowed to be used when we forgot our suits.

I kept on fighting in front of me unaware of what is happening behind me but I suddenly heard a body collapse behind me. I shoot a bullet at my opponent and quickly turn my glare behind me and saw and saw Dream pointing his sniper at me. I raise an eyebrow looking down and saw a collapsed bot.

He smirked, "Thank me later," he said going back to fighting his opponents. I roll my eyes as I felt shivers run down my spine at his words as I went back to fighting.

I sigh as I kneed hard on the crotch area of the bot then punched it on the nose, "How were you able to see when you used Sacred Shadow?" I question him. That's right. At that time I had to use Phokinesis for me to see the bomb since it was pure dark in there that I barely could see my own hands.

However Dream still got to fight and see the illusions, "Night Vision" I hear him say. "I got stubborn at that time so I straight up used Sacred Shadow without thinking that was when I got nervous. But at the last minute, I suddenly got Night Vision. That's how I got to see" he said punching the ribs of the robot.

I nod but he cut me off again, "Our powers are connected to our daily activities and senses. They show up whenever we need them. It doesn't show up by command. Think about it. Whenever we're both in a time of crisis we get different abilities. The more you're in danger—the more you're afraid. The abyss helps us" He said glaring at me.

I sighed, "Are you saying I need to be in danger to get the other abilities"

Dream shook his head scoffing, "I'm saying that the abyss saves you from the danger. If you put yourself in danger intentionally, obviously it won't work. Besides, no one can be stupid enough to threaten to kill themselves for the sake of power" he mumbled going back to fighting.


A/N I had to keep this a short chapter but I promise tomorrow will be longer!

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