Chapter 22

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We are in the meeting room just right next to the training room. Just I 404, Dream, and Wilbur. Wilbur is sitting in the front and Dream and I are on the separate chairs face to face while staring at Wilbur. "Is this about the coming gala?" I break the awkward silence.

Wilbur takes a deep breath nodding. He clears his throat, "Yes indeed, both your parents work for the Visionary Revolution correct?" He said looking at us two.

I nod, "Yes but mine work in a different part of the Visionary Revolution. They haven't heard of the operation until now. Their jobs are mainly on the stats and malls of the company" I say leaning against the small office chair that squeaked slightly.

I watch as Dream nods raising a hand, "Same here" he said calmly crossing his arms against his clothed chest.

Wilbur nodded, "Perfect," he said grinning, "The gala is exactly next week, and you two are invited so this is the perfect chance to improve your agent skills and that will also be your first mission," he said pressing his elbows against the table wrapping his fingers around the other.

I frown, "But I haven't even learned that much yet" I mumble.

Wilbur grinned as he backed away using his office chair and wheeled towards the small cabinet besides. He presses his keycard on the pad making a small sound as the cabinet clicked open. He opened the cabinet and pulled out two clipboards and made his way to us again.

He placed the clipboards on the table gently pushing one for me and Dream. I take the clipboard suspiciously flipping it open. "That is the schedule you two will be taking starting now," he said as I stared at the paper seeing the three schedules that were assigned for the two of us.

"There will be four sessions. Power session where you two control your powers. Training session that is handled by the two fighters; training you how to perfectly fight and be quiet at all times. Hacking session where you two will learn you to code and lastly mission session" he said.

I closed the clipboard sighing, "So this time we'll be going to training session?" I ask like I'm confused but it was kind of obvious that we were supposed to be having training session in a few minutes.

Wilbur nodded, "You two will be trained by both Quackity and Sapnap. Sapnap is assigned to you 404 and Quackity is assigned to you Dream" He said pressing his arms against his hip, "Any questions?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head getting up from my seat, "Alright, you two may go back to the training room. Quackity and Sapnap will be there" He smiles also getting up from his office chair and going outside in the opposite direction of the training room.

I sigh pushing the door open with Dream on my back as we made our way through the slightly crowded halls to the training room. It was cold in here but it was expected since the headquarters was underground and the walls were made out of solid metal.

When we both arrived in the training room Sapnap and Quackity were already there. "Finally, we've been waiting. Chop chop, we still have training for an hour" Quackity laughed clapping his hands dropping the crossbow that he was using earlier.

I saw Dream roll his annoyed, "Fine but this doesn't mean that I forgot what you guys hid from me" he frowned removing his jacket leaving him in a tight black t-shirt and black pants. I sigh removing my hoodie; now only in my white shirt and pants then making my way towards Sapnap.

"I guess I'll be the one handling you for training" Sapnap laughed cracking his fingers.

I roll my eyes, "Let's just get this over" I breathe looking down.

He tilted his head, "oh?" he mumbled, "Alright, since you're in a rush let's start this already shall we?" he said smirking at me. I scoff turning my head to the side and saw Dream already training.

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