Chapter 19

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My vision is black like I am stuck in a void somewhere in the galaxy; like I got sucked by a huge black hole that takes everything that is in the way. My head is hurting like hell and I feel like I'm going to die but here I am talking to myself while my body is unconscious.

I blink my eyes open and I could see light shining through my eyes. "What?" I don't know where I am but it is sure cold down here. Down? Or up? I don't even know but I just want to go to bed and make a fork out of blankets because I feel like I'm about to freeze to death.

"How are they here?"

"Why are they here?"

"The abyss sent them here. There is nothing we can do to stop the two abysses. It just does its duty"

Those words rang in my ears and echoed. I'm confused about what is happening. But when I heard the word abyss my body shoots awake. I sit up glaring around me with my eyes heavy yet shot open. White walls, planes, jets, weapons, cars, and heavy metal doors.

Realization hit me. I'm back here at Death's Headquarters. I look up and saw Wilbur staring at me with a comforting smile; hands in his pockets. "The abyss says that itself," he said calmly. That's what he meant by that. When he said that we had no choice but to stay here to save the world.

The abyss gave us no choice. Whatever we do—we will always be teleported here. Every day until we change our minds. I turn my head to Clay who seemed to be already awake leaning against the wall with a simple frown. "Do we really have no choice?" He asked Wilbur.

Wilbur frowned nodding, "Even if you two don't want the power within your souls. It will stay there until your death. The abyss of light and darkness choice you two for a reason," he said crossing his arms.

I sighed getting up from the floor and fixing my jacket, "We don't have a choice do we?"

"The abyss of darkness and light was built to work together. Colliding their powers will make unstoppable magic to defeat the power of life held by someone you may be aware of" he said pressing a button beside him showing a huge flat screen hologram in front of us glowing blue.

All the lights around the room shut turning the surroundings dark. I looked at the hologram and saw three symbols. A sun that represented the power of light and a moon that represented the power of darkness. On top was the symbol of the universe. The stars, the Milky Way. Everything.

"The symbols in the cave" I mumble under my breath.

Wilbur cleared his throat, "Originally there were two asteroids that hit the earth. The first one was the two side abyss. The abyss of light and the abyss of darkness. They were separated because they were meant to be together. To face the villain together with their opposite powers" he said.

"Light that controls the light," he said pointing at the symbol of the sun

Then he points at the moon symbol "And darkness that controls shadows" he murmurs, "that is what you both now hold. These two powers were meant for the good however the other one was experimented on and used for destruction, vengeance, and power to all people" he says zooming into the other symbol.

"The abyss of life" I hear Clay breathe. I turn my head to him quickly then gaze back at the hologram

Wilbur slowly nodded, "Indeed. This is the power of life. The most powerful abyss between the three. It holds the most energy and mana and holds the most powerful abilities. The abyss of light cannot defeat it alone and the same goes for the abyss of darkness" he said looking at both of us.

I frown looking at the symbol of life, "Who holds it then?"

Wilbur let out a deep exhale, "I am sure you have heard of 'The Changer' the one who changed the world because of his technologies and the power he holds" he said.

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