Chapter 37

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I sat on the couch beside going through available missions I could go to now. Slam! The door opens and I see Dream who was in his suit looking like he just finished his mission. I raise an eyebrow, "You just passed out agent Dream. Yet, you still went on a mission. How stubborn can you be?" I asked him.

He looks at me uncertainly, "It is just a simple Propofol in the shoulder. I didn't get injured anyway. I'm fine" he said coldly but there was a hint of emotion in his voice but I step that aside and only nod as I continue browsing the missions available.

I see Dream's mouth open like he was about to say something but it suddenly closed as he went silent for a good minute. I paused and glanced at his weird expression. "What is it?" I say unbothered glaring at him in a way of showing no emotion.

He sighs combing his hair with his four fingers and glancing at me helplessly. "I thank you, for saving me," he said. However, it was obvious that he forced it out.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat just hearing that but I know that he didn't really mean it. Thoughts flood my mind but I shake them off glaring at him. I shake my head, "Don't thank me" I tell him sternly, "I did it for selfish reasons" I say coldly getting up from my chair and going outside.

He should know what selfish reasons meant. I saved him so I could have a partner for huge missions, unlike the one that I'm going to right now. I did it so when I go on missions I wouldn't be alone and I would have the advantage. I did it so my chance of success was higher than 50%.

No other reasons and he of all people should be able to understand that. The same goes for him. Even if we hate each other it's important for us to both know. When the other isn't there. The chance of living and success was rather low than us both together.

There was no 'we' but there was only 'I'. Between me and Dream. We work together to save the people around us but not for each other. To protect our family even if they're not always around us. To protect our friends who were always there for us.

I sigh grabbing the file of an employee with a scientist outfit and opening the folder. Two robbers and killers were on their way to the bank about to create a catastrophe in the middle of Florida at three am. They were ten minutes away currently to the bank.

My mission was to stop them from killing the guards and get them locked up. It seemed pretty easy at first nut I looked at the second page. They were both from the Military before they got into this mess. Top militaries and top detectives.

One practiced karate and killed approximately 10 innocents and one practiced martial arts and killed approximately 7 innocents. They practiced sword training and they have good reaction. They're new serial killers and new robbers that just entered the states so it was better to arrest them now before they make more chaos.

These two seemed better at me in physical fighting and they were about my height. One taller and one shorter. However, I still had the advantage of my equipment.

While I'm planning how I'll take them in my spirit. I was driving through the roads with my Death Demon which was in sports car mode. My right hand was on the steering wheel with a position of 2 o'clock while I'm wearing a suit and a sunglass with my foot on the gas.

When I arrived at the bank it seemed that the two criminals have came before me. I could already hear gunshots. I quickly get out of my car and slam the door open. I see only one robber threatening the police with his gun about to shoot him.

I quickly pull out my gun and shoot his gun. He looks at me coldly and pulls out his other gun to shoot the guard but I quickly make a forcefield surrounding the guard with a bubble. "Photokinesis" I mumble creating a source of light inside and quickly teleport in front of the criminal punching him quickly in the eyes.

"You...!" He exclaimed quickly blocking me off as I stumbled backward. He points the gun at me and starts shooting but I quickly bent backward with my hand supporting myself on the ground as I avoided the upcoming bullets. I extend my left leg and made him fall to the floor with me towering him.

I quickly use my gun and shove his own gun away from him sending it flying to the floor as it triggered shooting the glass. Shards of sharp clear glass scatter on the floor. I grunt when I felt a small cut on my shoulder. I glare beside me and saw a small shard on my shoulder. "Fuck" I mumble pulling it out as blood drips to my suit.

I glare at the man below me who had blond hair and looked like he was in his middle ages. I grab the handcuffs beside me and roll him back and cuff his hands. "I called 911. You'll be in jail no time" I said as he kept screaming at me threatening that he'll kill me but I keep calm.

I look at him and stepped on his crotch area causing him to scream in pain since my boots were sharp. I quickly made it to the safe area where the money was hidden finding the other man who I think was assigned to rob.

I arrived at the safe and saw the man pointing a gun at a girl employee's head with her putting in the passcode. I pull out my black boomerang as it went toward the man's gun. He grunted when his hand went backward along with the gun that fell to the ground.

"Go!" I yell to the employee as she nodded shaking exiting the safe. The man looks at me and tackles me quickly using his karate skills to kick me in the face but I easily dodged. I grab the man's foot harshly and slam him to the ground.

He swears at me and I quickly grab my dagger stabbing it beside him. He tried to get out of the ground but it was no use. The dagger was on the ground stabbed with his clothes there on the tip. He widened his eyes glaring at me in horror as I pull out to handcuffs cuffing his hands.

"Piece of shit! Once I escape from jail I'll kill you!" He cried out but I glare at him unbothered. Instead, I rolled my eyes frowning as I pull out my dagger to the floor stepping on his face as I flip the object in my hands exiting the bank.

Death's Headquarters. 3:30 am.

I grab the small medkit beside and look at my arm. The stab of the glass shard seemed to be deep but it didn't hurt that much. I take out a bandage and Hydrogen Peroxide.  I twist the bottle open and pour a certain amount of Hydrogen Peroxide on the wound.

I accidentally groan in pain shutting my eyes closed as I kept pouring some in. I grab the bandage beside and wrap some around my arm covering the injury. Once I finished I suddenly felt a hand on my wrist.

I grunt glaring beside me quickly with my fists clenched and saw Dream staring at my wound. He looks at me coldly, "Who did that?" He said sternly glaring at me. He seemed to be furious.

"It's nothing" I shrug snatching my arm away from him. "It's from a mission. The one who did it is in jail now" I said getting up from the bed of the medical room glaring at him as I see him flench his fists a little.

"I'm going back to my condo," I said stubbornly pressing the button on my watch as I see him disappear.

1376 words.
Small Filler Chapter :)

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