Chapter 15

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Where to start, where to start. I don't know what I'm staring at but a gray jet that had its engines on in the middle of the forest. I and Clay are just there in the corner staring at the small tiny battle they were having. Bullets were shooting everywhere and tons of injured bodies were on the floor but no one seemed to be dead.

"This is just great! We need to get going to camp in around an hour and we're just here watching a damn shooting happen! God this is exaggerating" Clay mumbled crossing his arms while he leans against the wall with his hair locks on his forehead.

"Why are we in this situation exactly?" I tell him looking directly in his eyes.

I see him roll his eyes back, "Well you could have not followed me. Besides, you think I'm all in jokes and now look where we are! With these damn superpowers that I still don't understand and a battle in front of us! How perfect" he grumbled looking away from me.

I hear a microphone ring, "You two" I hear the jet's microphone speak. "Get the abysses and hop in the back seat now! We'll explain the situation later" the robotic voice says and goes out continuing to stop the military.

I blink, "Give me a damn reason to trust you!" I yell at the person that was probably inside the jet. However, I didn't get a response instead I only heard the backdoor open.

I turn my glare to Clay. He looks at me, "Just get the damn abysses and get the fuck out of here. It's better than dying" he says and ran towards the abyss of darkness grabbing it in his hands that was almost the size of a penny since we absorbed the energy in it.

I sigh only nodding and quickly snatching my abyss, "Stop right there!" I hear one of the men yell but I just roll my eyes quickly making my way towards the back seat of the jet. Clay got the other door and quickly hopped in. Instantly, when we both got to our seats seat bells flew across our chests locking us in here as the door shut closed.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled as I look to the front chairs and saw no one driving the jet but a moving two side jet wheel.

"Why is no one driving this?" I ask no one but myself looking around the jet with my palms against the seats holding them tightly for dear life. I looked up the window that was in front and saw the guns quickly lower. I hear the engine start again and saw the lights starting to blink.

Then it became silent but I knew it wasn't outside. This jet stopped defending and silently injured the men but the military was still shooting bullets at us. The inside of the jet becomes silent and the lights stopped flickering. "Take off in three" I hear a female robot say.

"Oh, fucking hell" I hear Clay breathe.

"Two, one" Fuck, "Take off" I hear and I gasp my head pushing against the chair harshly as the jet instantly goes backward at its max speed. I was gasping for air even if it was all around me as the jet moves backward making my head stay against the headboard of the sit.

I looked up to the ceiling and saw the night sky with the stars and clouds below the clear window. We were flying, holy shit. That's cool but my mood instantly dropped when I felt the jet stop like it was about to do a free fall.

I could hear hard breathing beside me and saw Clay gripping the armchair tightly. "Shit, fuck, bitch" I hear him mumble repeatedly quietly looking in front of us glaring at the view. On the view was a large hole that this jet made inside a small hill. Inside the hole was collapsed cave and some lights from the military.

The jet then zoomed upwards quickly the tip of the jet pointing directly at the sky as if it was a gun. Again, my head hits against the board and my whole body falls back against the chair and I could already feel my soul almost dropping. "I'm about to puke," I say looking to my side to see the view.

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