Raspberry cookie

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She'll never admitted that she loves you.

In her eyes she sees you as glass so she treats you like one and attacks anyone who hurts you.

She acts like a mom to you she feeds you even though you can you do yourself, scolds you every time you get hurt, buys you new gifts, she also ask if she can cuddle you.

She pushes everyone away if she think they're falling in love with her or you she may even crumble (Kills) them.

She also is over-protective of you if someone looks at you the wrong way she stabs them before they blinked.

If watch anything that's not kid friendly she scolds you like a parent and change whatever you were watching and gives a dirty look.

My head cannon for her is that she writes awesome story about stuff so she reads to you when you have a nightmare or you can't sleep.

She than kidnapped you and took to a hut she build for a few months months she tied you up and give you a creepy grin ( if you think of that gingerbrave smirk I'll take your kneecaps.) and kiss you cheek.

She told you everything that what happen then she left because of her job and told you not to escape or else everyone you love will die.

She let's you do whatever you please but if you wanna go on YouTube she sign out of it so you won't get any ideas ( plus if you do try it who will believe you?)

She loves to death but you cross her she a nightmare.

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