Dark choco cookie

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Request: closed ( I gotta finish mint choco and cocoa than request are open)
Words: 487
Started: 8:26 am
Finished: 10:12 am
( Let's pretend that he didn't turn into back to a prince)

He stalks you to make sure you're safe and no one harms you if they someone does he kills them so no one can hurt you.

Ignore his mission to see you whatever you do mostly he finds you like a baby ( cause you gonna watch baby so they don't anything bad) and needs to protected from the world.

Pomegranate (somehow) know that he's ignore his mission and tells dark enchantress cookie, but he knows that to do in case this happen he told her that you were make a great villain you're strong, obedient, and great at healing people, so dark enchantress agree to keep you and him that's how he kidnapped you.

At first he tried to be friends with you ( he also calls you some nicknames to tease you but feels bad that he have to follow someone without consent.

After you guys get to know each other he decide to kidnapped you by knocking you out while apologizing to for taking away from your friends and family and cry's a little.

When you woke you saw him and he's master ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and he cry a little while his master was amazed by looking at you ( she's not in love with you that's her being her) and tells what's gonna happen and left you with dark choco, he didn't say anything beside saying sorry.

He never kills your family or your friends since he would feel bad if you scream/yell/cry and he doesn't want that, plus they haven't done anything wrong unless they're toxic then he starts the killing.

When you scream/yell/cry he feels bad and patted your back saying sorry it's for your own good than someone like pomegranate will do something like will beat you until you pass out when dark choco isn't here .

When he saw blood on you he wanted to her for she did to you but can't since she the most powerful villain and heals, he gives her a big cut on her leg, and brags about it to you.

When you escape he started to worried and understand why you leave him being a psycho and pomegranate hurting you but he must go find you and protect you from everything that can happen to you, when he does find you he be so worried crying into your shoulder and knocked you out again.

When you woke up he hold your hand saying sorry for all the bad things he had done to you and promise you that it will get better, and also made a promise that he'll marry you.

He feels bad for kidnapping you and makes it up by anything that will you happy and love him.

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