Crunchy chip cookie

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Disclaimer: I don't know much of his personality so I did my best.

You were lonely you have no friends to hangout with, your family hates you so you sit in the forest and cry there letting the grass have your tears until a cookie came up to you asking why are you crying, you faked a smile and saying you just have a little bit of stress.

He picked you up saying how cute you are, you blushed saying thank you he also blush and put you down saying sorry for you up without your consent, you giggle a bit saying that's not a problem from this day going on you guys are now best friend.

One day he saw you with clotted cream he hated him for hanging out with you he walked to you giving clotted cream a death glance "hey y/n how are you on this lovely day?" He asked giving you a creepy smile "oh I'm just talking to clotted cream I think I just made a new friend for us to hangout." You said turning back to talked to him.

He wasn't stupid he know you liked him, you just thought he was friend and clotted cream a boyfriend, "hey clotted do you want to hangout with me later?" He asked giving him a scary glance you smiled thinking they're gonna be good friends but sadly no "oh okay bye y/n." Clotted cream walking away with Crunchy chip.

"So where do you want to crunchy?" Clotted asked "to my house we can have lots of fun there." Crunchy said still giving a creepy smile "heh heh why are you giving a creepy smile it's creeping me out." Clotted asked Crunchy didn't answered his question he just take him to his house.

When they both found Crunchy's house Crunchy open the door letting Clotted go first "you know y/n is pretty cute and I was wondering if-?" Before he could finish he was knocked out cold and buried in the backyard crying while doing so because he was his friend ( well idk if they are.) and what if you found his body what would think of him.

He was to tried that he forgot to clean up himself that he fell asleep on the floor in the morning you found him sleeping on floor you came to go if he's okay what you saw was terrible clotted was buried you knew because he's hand wasn't buried and blood was him after him and after Crunchy and clotted hangout.

"Crunchy!" You yelled in anger he woke up and he saw you looking angry "y/n I'm so sorry!" He tried to hugged but you pushed him away "Sorry for what?! For killing him or you being caught?!" You yelled Crunchy have no choice he knocked you out crying saying sorry over and over.

Request by: @Softbreamdishere

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