Juice Bar Regulars

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A/N: I'm not adding mint choco cookie because I already did him so it's  just the other three.

Herb cookie:

"Oh no I'm plants

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"Oh no I'm plants." You said looking down that your plant who look like it was about die "why don't you go herb's shop." Your friend clover suggested "huh where is herb shop." Clover points to herb shop "oh thank you clover." You waved to him.

* Ding *

"Hello welcome to-!" Herb turned around and saw you he blush so much and couldn't speak he stood there, "hello I was wondering if you could help me with my plant, he just told the plant but couldn't change his face.

"So how was your day?" You asked wanting his friend "o-oh it was amazing now that you're here." He said take care of your plant "so how is it?" You said wanting to see it "it fine it just need more water." He said giving you your plant.

"Thank you herby." You said leaving.

Herby? You just call him herby he blush even more he couldn't stop think about you and your cute smile you give him.

* The next day *

"Clover I need your help." Herb said hoping he knows your phone number "what is herb." He asked "what's that boy/girl/cookie with (insert your looks here) phone number." He asked "oh it's ***-***- **** why?" Clover asked probably teasing him after he explain "I just wanna be friends him/her/them." He answered "or you got a crush on him/her/them." Clover teasing him "well maybe but I wanna be friends him/her/them." He said blushing "oh well that go you should get to know about each other before you confess." Clover said playing with his ukulele.

You got a text from someone you didn't know you asked who was it, it was HERBY (duh) you texted him you quickly became friends.

You called him on the phone and talk more about your guys life "so do you have a crush on anyone." Herb asked blushing hard "well no actually I'm not the one who falls in love easily you know." You answered "oh yeah relatable." He answered "well see you tomorrow herby." You said as you hand up, herb needs a few days- no month until he can confess.

The next day herb saw someone getting too clingy with you, and you didn't feel comfortable with it, Herb step in.

"Come on (M/C) I know you like me." The person touching, you push him/her/them down, "I said no and no means no." You said trying to walked away but him/her/they grab you but the waist "come with me now or else." Before you could anything else herb punched his/her/their face "ow what did you do that for?!" He/she/they yelled "leave before I tell gingerbrave what you did." He threatened him/her/them with a death glance, with that he/she/they left.

"Omg thank you so much!" You said hugging him "oh it was nothing (M/C) I was just protect." He said blushing a lot "hey I have something to tell you." He said about to confess "I like you like like-like you." He quickly holding you "I like-like you too herby." You said hugging him tighter.

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