Madeleine cookie

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He acts like you guys are just friends but his blushing face, him looking away, him killing everyone for you and kidnapping you.

You either was in danger and Madeleine save you or you guys are great "friends."

He talks about you to Espresso cookie he got annoyed with him talk and yells if he likes him too much why didn't just kidnap you, I promise you if you heard their conversation you kick espresso ass for that idea.

He got really happy and ran out of his house espresso looking shocked but happy and went back to his work, meanwhile Madeleine was stalking you because he can't kidnap you that fast he got to see what you.

If you saw him stalking he opens the window ( well destroy it) and says sorry and he thought you look like pomegranate or licorice cookie he said sorry and promise to never do it again but he does but you didn't catch him.

He kills if he have to including your friends and family because he has a fear of you getting too close that they confess their feelings to you if it's your family well he had a fear that they'll take advantage of you and hurt he had to killed them he can't live this fear, he'll also kill espresso if he have to.

He kidnaps you when he saw you watching tv he knocked on the door he asked if you can try espresso new drink he couldn't it because he's scared that it will burn his tongue you tried it and you pass out, when you woke up you were a basement his basement he was sleeping so you can't talk to him.

When he woke up he was shocked but also happy that you woke up he kissed your face but if you scream, yell, or cry he feels bad and brought you to his room ( and let me tell you it's big) and put you down tiring you up and kiss your cheek he told you he love you.

If you escaped he got angry more angry than a villain win he went to find you and teach you a lesson you'll never forget when he found you he knocked you out and took you 'home'.

He hit you so much it looked you got attacked by 15 cookies when you woke ( again) you were screaming/crying/yelling while he was laughing and slapping you and putting tape on your mouth and went out to kill the cookies you love.

He loves but will not hesitate to hurt you or your family/friends.

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