Affogato cookie

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"Affogato cookie I have something to tell you." Affogato turn around to see dark cacao with someone so pretty that if you look at them for more then a second you could you blind by their beauty.

"Affogato this is Y/n they're gonna work for a while until they get back on their feet so I want you to treat them with respect understand?" He didn't listen to him he just kiss your hand and you sweets "here you must be tried from all traveling."

The king thought that you guys would get along quickly so they was no need to worry, but they were some conflict to this friendship like kidnapping.

(Ok warning if you're a caramel arrow simp don't read it won't end up good.)

One time you were hangout with caramel arrow you were laughing while caramel was making some jokes, Affogato give her a death glance, and thought of her death later after he left, "hey are you okay?" Affogato turn around to find "oh hello there darling how are you doing on this day?" He really came mad to calm when he see you.

The next day you were looking for caramel arrow cookie but you couldn't find her anywhere "Y/n." The king said tapping on your shoulder "Yes king?" You said Bowing "how dare you kill caramel!" He said yelling "B-but I never kill-!" You tried to explain but cacao kicked you out saying to never come back.

You felt so betrayed and sad first caramel died and the king thinks it was you, you ran away thinking who killed her the servant would never she's too powerful and they all love her so it have to be Affogato he always hated her but why.

You lived in vanilla kingdom but it wasn't the same you still wanna see why the king didn't believe you, well at least pure vanilla believe you well kinda he got kinda concerned when you said dark cacao kicked you out he thought he was nice but no.

You fell asleep on pure vanilla bed, while he was in the kitchen Affogato came in and killed him and went to go find you sleeping on his bed he quickly and quietly pick you up taking you the dark cacao kingdom.

"Hmm what happen? Where am I?" You question yourself "you're in my kingdom dear." You look up seeing him he kidnapped you killed your best friend "What did you do to caramel!" You yelled in anger "all I did was killed she was giving in the away of our love." He said kissing your forehead "at least she doesn't kicked people out the kingdom." You said still yelling.

"Oh dear I have to, oh and after you left I killed him because I almost get caught killed caramel by you walking around trying to find your new home." You said has his hand into a fist "but that's fine I forgive you." He said smiling "yeah well I don't forgive you for killing her!" You looked away from him.

"You don't have to forgive me you just have to respect me." He said putting his hand on your chin.

Request by: @Idunnowhattoputsoo

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