Sorbet shark cookie

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Since Devsisters says you can choice if they're an adult or a child I'll do both.

• Romantic•
They don't know what love is until they met you their heart started pounding they were a blushing mess and often smiled shyly when they're around you.

They thought about you and how beautiful you are ( if y'all don't take it I'll find you and yell how beautiful you are).

They act normal first but when they get jealous that's when they act different and cruel and thinking ways to get rid of them.

They went to " Hey Y/n you're so beautiful!" To " stay away from them Y/n or else!" Baby really change.

If you don't get away from that cookie that Sorbet shark is jealous of they killed them when they were asleep.

They don't kidnapped because they're scared of you hating them, plus they have pirate duty ( DUTY! Sorry sorry) so they'll hardly take care of you if they do kidnap.

(I'm my AU they speak English and Oo's if they feel like it)

Sometimes they don't cuss in English just Oo's like... I OoOoOoO ( fucking) hate them whey do they have them it's so not fair OoOo! ( Fuck).

They often hugged you for no reason they just wanted to see you smile and they know that them hugging you will make your smile grow.

They stalk you sometimes but only because they wanna keep you safe from any danger that could happen to you.

• Platonic•

They play crab with you and if you don't want to play with them they give you a sad face that makes you want to play with them.

Always steals your things because they want to have a piece of you but if you found out that they have your thing they give it back and apologize for stealing.

Kisses are a yes if they have to

My head cannon for them it that they always have nightmares without their music box so if they can't find it they just find you.

Cuddles are the best with them and I put that on my life.

Once they saw you crying they started crying too and too and told you that life will get better.

If you hated someone than they hate them they hardly even talk to them but they hurt them once just for you.

If you get sick they'll gladly help you with anything you need want some medicine? Here it is! Want food? Already here! Wanna  cuddle? Hell Yea!

They ask you if they can live with you they can't live without you ( BaBy) and they sleep in your bed and cuddle you ( of course) they also want to make breakfast for you  so they can give it to you in bed, they want you to be happy.

Sorry 😭✋ just my opinion platonic Sorbet shark is better sorry!

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