Carrot cookie

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Request: open
Request by: BonneterandPenguin
Words: 426
Started: 11:18 am
Finished: 12:23

Why everyone time I go to gacha and I got so close to get her but noooo I just one god damn more!

She forced a cookie to stalk you and return to her to see what you do if that cookies tells you or anyone else she starts crying and tells them they're a liar later that night that cookie was never found again.

She visited your house just to steal your things and walk out like she innocent, when you found your object is gone you she buys you a new one just to make you happy.

Very manipulative and if you try to get rid of her from your life she hurt all your friends and burns your house, you won't be able to go after her because she a fast runner so there was no way you could catch her.

You were now homeless because all your family and friends were missing and can't contact them because you lost your phone and they're missing the only one still alive is... carrot cookie.

You have to choice you have to asked carrot for help to let her move in with her, you knock on her door and she let you in but won't knocked you out because she knew that you'll live in her house forever.

If you found out what she did you ran out to tell the cops but beet stopped you because carrot forced her and if she doesn't help her something could happen to her beet had to break your legs ( no you're not being fucked perverts) than take you back to her.

Now she tiring you up in her closet so you think or do escape and she have a lock so there's no point in trying to escape her and she said if you escape her again she'll beat you until you're crumble.

If you scream/yell/ or cry she doesn't do anything she just stare and smile slapping you hard to make you shut up than kicked the chair to let you know to shut up before something bad happen.

She let you out every once in a while but if you try anything she poke you hard and she's not stoping until she sees tears in your eyes than puts in the basement for you to shoot you in your arms four times on each arms.

She's a complete psycho so don't mess with her unless you want to be punish.

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